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[Beccadelli’s life of Petrarch]


Current Location

Biblioteca Nazionale Marciana

Lat. XIV, 79 (= 4331)
sixteenth century
Mode of exegesis
Related to Petrarch's

RVF, Triumphi


Physical Description: Format

273x208 mm; VI + 361 (each fol. is numbered on both recto and verso from 1 to 722) + I fols.

Physical Description: Textblock

paper; many scripts and hands (Beccadelli’s cursive hand for fols. 278r[=555]-313r[=625]); prose text (within which are short quotations from Petrarch’s Latin and vernacular poetical works, with one verse per line).

Title Page

La Vita del Petrarca scritta da Lodouico Beccadello Arciuescouo di Ragusi in Dalmazia (fol. 278r[=555])

Internal Description

fol. 278r[=555]: title (by Giusto Fontanini; see CPVe, 100 [n° 98]): ‘La Vita del Petrarca scritta da Lodouico Beccadello Arciuescouo di Ragusi in Dalmazia’;
fols. 278r[=555]-311v[=622]: Beccadelli’s life of Petrarch (<inc> Voi mi ricercate, che, come gia parte ui feci de’lli miei studi giouanili, isponendoui alcuni luoghi delle rime del Petrarcha, che ui pareuano male intesi, cosi uoglia hora darui notitia con la penna di quello ch’alle uolte ui ho ragionato a bocca della uita, stato, et costumi del detto Petrarca; <exp> Et poi che la uita sua ho scritto, non stara male che ui aggiunga, come l’epitafio del sepolcro, un sonetto, che tra molti di m[esser] Giouanni Boccaccio ho trouato, fatto in morte del Petrarca, il quale senza dubio fece negli ultimi giorni suoi, impero che il Boccaccio mori l’anno appresso, cio è del 1375. del Mese [—] d’anni 62);
fols. 311v[=622]-312r[=623]: Boccaccio’s sonnet ‘Hor se salito caro signor mio’ (‘Sonetto di m[esser] Giouanni Boccaccio in morte di m[esser] Francesco’);
fols. 312r[=623]-312v[=624]: Petrarch’s note on Laura (‘Memorabilia quaedam de Laura manu propria Francisci Petrarcae scripta in quodam codice Virgilij in Papiensi Bibliotheca reperta’, <inc> Laura proprijs uirtutibus illustris, et meis longum celebrata carminibus; <exp> in expectatos exitus acriter ac uiriliter cogitanti);
fol. 313r[=625]: [Geri Gianfigliazzi’s] sonnet ‘M[esser] francesco, con amor souente’, addressed to Petrarch (‘Di m[esser] Jacopo Notaio a m[esser] Franc[esc]o Petrarca’), followed by the first line of Petrarch’s answer per le rime, ‘Io canterei d’amor si nuouamente’ [RVF 131] (‘Risposta del Petrarca’);
fol. 313v[=626]: blank;


Other contents:
fol. Ir: bibliographical note;
fol. Iv: blank;
fol. IIr-IIv: table of the contents of the ms. by a seventeenth-century hand;
fols. IIIr-Vv: blank;
fol. VIr: title of the first work copied in the ms. (‘Iura Sanctae sedis apostolicae in regno Angliae et Hyberniae per Dominicum Raynaldum collecta’);
fol. VIv: blank;
fols. 1r[= 1]-277v[=554]: ten prose works in Latin and Italian by various authors (including: Pope Paul III’s breve to Emperor Charles V, a Giovanni Diacono’s Latin chronicle of Neapolitan bishops, and King Henri II of France’s oration to the King of Spain; for a detailed list see Zorzanello, III, 119-22);
fols. 314r[=627]-360v[=720]: ten prose works in Italian and Latin by various authors, including: a treatise on ethical qualities and characteristics of cardinals; a report on Cardinal D’Altemps; and a description of the arrival of Emperor Maximilian of Habsburg to Rome; for a detailed list see Zorzanello, III, 122-23;
fol. 361r[=721]-361v[=722]: blank.

Material Copy


Biblioteca Nazionale Marciana

Lat. XIV, 79 (= 4331)
Copy seen by

Beccadelli’s life offers an extended biographical account that includes passages on Petrarch’s habits, health, inclinations, interests, and pastimes. The last part (specifically at fols. 301r[=601]-311r [=621]) focuses on several RVF poems and capitoli of the Triumphi: he hypothesizes a composition date for each of them, links them to a specific moment of Petrarch’s love for Laura, and, sometimes, clarifies some of their obscure meanings.
Several marginal annotations by Beccadelli’s own hand point out from which Petrarchan work (and passage) the piece of information discussed in the relative paragraph of Beccadelli’s live is derived. Some other marginal annotations (also in his hand) either cancel or make changes to some passages of the main text, or even substitute an entire paragraph of the biography with a new one.
At fol. 278r[=555], a marginal note by Fontanini states that Beccadelli’s life was translated into Latin and printed within Tomasini’s work, Petrarca redivivus: ‘L’ha stampata il Tommasini nel Petrarca rediuiuo pag. 213 edizione II. ma con proemio diuerso da questo, che è l’originale. Diuersifica pure in altre cose’. Giuseppe Valentinelli agrees with Fontanini (see CPVe, n. 98 [pp, 100-01]), yet he maintains that the version of Beccadelli’s life that was translated and included by Tomasini in his work is the one contained in another ms. of Beccadelli’s work (i.e. Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, Vat. Lat. 6165 [yet 6168]).


CPR, 413; CPVe, 25, 71, and 100-01; Iter, II, 246b; Zorzanello, III, 119-23
De Nolhac 1887, 311 and 393, n. 1; Frasso 1983; Manfredi 2012, 357; Marcocchi 1972, 356; Petitmengin 2012