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[Buonamici’s (actually Bonciani’s) academic lecture on RVF 9]


Current Location

Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale

Magl. IX. 125
Mode of exegesis
Related to Petrarch's



Accademia Fiorentina, Florence


Physical Description: Format

290x214 mm (214x149 mm for fols. 81-92); I + IV1 + 286 + I fols.

Physical Description: Textblock

paper; sixteenth-century cursive script; prose text.

Title Page

Lettione del ecc[ellentissi]mo Filosofo Franc[esc]o Buonamicj | recitata nella feliciss[i]ma accad[e]mia fioren[ti]na | alli xxx de otto[b]re M.D.LXIX | sopra il sonetto | Quando ’l pianeta che distingue l’hore

Internal Description

fols. 81r-92r: Bonamici’s [actually Bonciani’s] lecture on RVF 9 (‘Lettione del ecc[ellentissi]mo Filosofo Franc[esc]o Buonamicj recitata nella feliciss[i]ma accad[e]mia fioren[ti]na alli xxx de otto[b]re M.D.LXIX sopra il sonetto Quando ’l pianeta che distingue l’hore’, <inc> Fu ueramente sauio, et ben comprese la natura d’Amore e anoi bene la dimostrò, quel filosofo, ilquale lo assimigliò al fuoco, et quando io considero partitame[n]te li effetti del uno, e del altro, l’uno a l’altro fati simile ritrouo, che poco mancherebbe ch’io non li stimassi una med[esi]ma cosa; <exp> Molte altre cose harei potuto diruj sopra q[uest]o sonetto ma dubitando di non ui e[sser]e noioso col troppo dire, e ch[e] l’altre cose ch[e] dirui potrieno hauendo giudicate troppo alte o uero bene esaminate ne comenti di q[ues]to legg[iadrissi]mo poeta uolentieri farò fine tenendo p[er]petua memoria della u[ost]ra benigna udienza. Io ho detto. Addi xxx di 8bre 1569);
fol. 92v: blank;


Other contents:
fols. I1r: various shelfmarks of the ms. (by different hands);
fol. I1v: blank;
fol. II1r-II1v: index of contents of the ms. by a later hand (‘Repertorio del presente libro’);
fol. III1r: a note by a later hand (‘Accademia Degli Alterati’);
fol. III1v: blank;
fol. IV1r: title by a later hand (‘Lezzioni ed altri studij di Accademici Alterati’);
fol. IV1v: blank;
fols. 1r-79v: several vernacular works, including Filippo Sassetti’s discourse against Castravilla on Dante; annotations by three anonymous authors on the Italian language, Dante’s vocabulary, and Boccaccio’s works;
fol. 80r-80v: blank. For a detailed list of titles and authors, see Fossi, I, 261-62;
fols. 93r-286v: several vernacular works and a few Latin poetical compositions, including Vincenzo Borghini’s annotations on Dante’s language; Bonciani’s discourse against Giovan Battista Strozzi; Bernardo Davanzati’s lecture on coins; Bonciani’s lecture on how to compose novelle; Ottavio Rinuccini’s Latin poem ‘In ortum Magni Principis Etruriae’; Bonciani’s work on rulers’ mistakes; and Filippo Sassetti’s prose work against Ariosto. For a detailed list of titles and authors, see Fossi, I, 262-64.

Material Copy


Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale

Magl. IX. 125
Copy seen by

On the attribution of the lecture on RVF 9 to Francesco Bonciani, see Fossi, I, 262.
In his lecture, Bonciani mainly focuses on astronomical and astrological topics inspired by the lines of Petrarch’s sonnet. Almost all the text is taken up with a dissertation on the structure of the universe, the power of the sun and the moon over the earth (within a Ptolemaic perspective), and the effects of their light in causing the passage of the seasons. Bonciani also provides a brief paraphrase of the sonnet and quotes a few parallel passages from the RVF in which Petrarch claims (as he does in this sonnet) that his sufferings in love prevent him from being joyful.
Reference is made to some RVF poems (including RVF 14, 161, and 310), and, among the others, Aratus, Aristotle, Catullus, Cino da Pistoia, Dante, Hippocrates, Julius Firmicus Maternus, Marcus Manilius, Ovid, Plato, and Tibullus.


Fossi, I, 261-64