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[Colocci’s glossary of Petrarch’s words]


Current Location

Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana
Vatican City
Vatican City

Vat. Lat. 3217
first half of the sixteenth century
Mode of exegesis
Related to Petrarch's

RVF, Triumphi


Physical Description: Format

296x217 mm; I + 368 + I fols.

Physical Description: Textblock

paper; sixteenth-century cursive hands by two hands (Colocci pens fols. 2-112, 257-264, 300-330, 333-368, and occasionally some of the other fols.; the unidentified second hand pens fols. 113-256, 265-299, 331-332); list of words vertically organized, irregularly split into one to three columns.

Title Page

‘petrarca siculi Re Roberto Barbarino [sic]’

Internal Description

fol. 1r: title page by a seventeenth-century hand (‘INDEX | Verbor[um] seu Vocum collectus per Angelum Colotium | ex | Petrarcha | Siculo | Rege Roberti | Barbarino [sic] | Ful[vio] Urs[ini]’);
fol. 1v: blank;
fol. 2r: title page (‘petrarca siculi Re Roberto Barbarino [sic]’), with a few scattered words below the title;
fol. 2v: blank;
fols. 3r-113r: Colocci’s glossary of Petrarch’s words (<inc> A Altro huo[m] da quel chio sono .I. qs 3 | Al bisognio pre[n]der larme .I. qs ora il bisogno 3 | Al mondo nacqui 3 nel mo[n]do Al mo[n]do sono nati .I. nel mo[n]do | Acerbo fructo 4; <exp> volgendomi | veggio | videndo | vo†† | vano | veglio | ††† | un ††† | un ††iva i[n] un ††† | uasti††† | V) with blank fols. 34v, 49v, 52v, 57v, 60v, 67v, 78v, 87v, 91r-91v;
fol. 113v: blank;
Other contents:
fols. 114r-255r: Colocci’s glossary of Sicilian poets (‘SICVLI’);
fols. 255v-256v: blank;
fols. 257r-264v: Colocci’s glossary of Robert of Anjou, King of Naples (‘RE ROBERTO’);
fols. 265r-299v: Colocci’s glossary of Francesco da Barberino (‘Barbarino’ [sic]);
fols. 300r-307v: index of Portuguese poets (‘Autori portoghesi’);
fols. 308r-368v: series of scattered words and notes, unfinished glossaries, and indexes of first lines of thirteenth- and fourteenth-century poems (by Sicilian poets, Dante, Guido Guinizzelli, etc.) contained in other volumes. Numerous blank fols.: 129v, 133v, 135v, 148r, 150v, 161v, 162r-162v, 164v, 172r-172v, 174r-174v, 181v, 194r-194v, 200r-200v, 201v, 202r-202v, 205v, 208v, 219v, 220r-220v, 221v, 226v, 243v, 244r-245v, 255v, 256r-256v, 258v, 263r-263v, 267v-268v, 269v, 273r-274v, 278v, 280v, 282v, 287v, 290v, 291v, 298v, 299v, 307v, 314v, 319r, 320r, 322v, 323v-324v, 327r-328v, 332v, 337v-338v, 339v-340v, 341v-343v, 344v-345v, 346v-347v, 348v, 350v, 352v-353v, 354v, 355v, 356v, 357v, 359r-359v, 360v-361v, 362v, 363v-364v, 367v, 368r.

Material Copy


Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana
Vatican City
Vatican City

Vat. Lat. 3217
Copy seen by

Fols. 2r-10v: beneath words or single lines of Petrarch’s poems set on left is a blank space to accommodate references to other Petrarch’s works or concise explanations (e.g. fol. 4v: ‘ASI lungo martyro, 6. †† nel primo cap[itol]o [Triumphus Amoris I.3] ma qui significa rispetto asi lu[n]ghi martyri breue co[n]forto’). From fol. 11r onwards, Petrarch’s words and single lines are distributed in one to three columns. Next to them in the same line is the reference to the fol. number of a copy of Petrarch’s works at Colocci’s disposal. Among the preparatory works used to generate the glossary, one can recognise ms. BIBLIOTECA APOSTOLICA VATICANA, Vat. Lat. 4823. Colocci inserted in this ms. his linguistic annotations on a series of poems, among which are three sonnets attributed to Petrarch ‘P[er]che no[n] caggi in q[ua]lche oscura caue \ in oscuri caui \’, ‘Sostenne con la spalla Hercole elcielo’, ‘El mio desire ha si ferma radice’ (fols. 1r, 11v, 448v).
Ms. Vat. Lat. 3217 belonged to the collector Fulvio Orsini.


Iter, II, 317b; Vattasso 1909, 166
Bernardi 2008a, 32, 47, 51, 57, 59-61; Bologna 1987, 92; Bologna 2008a, VIII, XVI; Bologna 2008b, 14; Edit 2010, 223-224, 230, 234.