Biblioteca Centrale Umanistica
RVF, Triumphi
420x290 mm; II + 391 + II fols.
paper; seventeenth-century cursive script;
fols. 3r-389v: text is set on three columns: left column: reference to poem sometimes preceded by the name of the author; central column: lines by Petrarch, Ariosto, and vernacular Ovid listed under each rhyme; third column: Petrarch’s and Ariosto’s poems with one verse per line; fol. 390r-390v: Ariosto’s poems set in two columns.
Abbia, Petrar[ca]
[As the right column is organized independently from the left and central columns, it has been considered separately below]
fols. 1r-2v: blank;
fols. 3r-389v: anonymous rimario of poems by Petrarch, Ariosto, and vernacular Ovid (‘Abbia, Petrar[ca]’; <inc> ‘Pose fra noi e’ la Tedesca rabbia’; <exp> ‘Gran fama in polue hauuta dianzi al rezzo’);
fol. 389v: colophon: Fine;
[right column] fols. 3r-69r: RVF (‘Sonetti et Canzoni di m[esser] Franc[es]co petrarca’);
fol. 69r: colophon: Fine de Sonetti et Canzoni di M[esser] F[rancesco] petrarca;
fols. 69v-88v: Triumphi (‘Trionfi di M[esser] Francesco Petrarca. Del Trionfo d’Amore. Capitolo primo’; order: Amoris I, Amoris II, Amoris III, Amoris IV, Pudicitie, Mortis I, Mortis II, Fame I, Fame II, Fame III, Temporis; Eternitatis);
fol. 88v: colophon: Il fine del Trionfo de La Diuinità;
fols. 89r-90v: Triumphus Fame Ia (‘Capitolo di M[esser] F[rancesco] Petrarca Ultimo nel poema et rimato in questo presente libro’; <inc> Nel cor pien d’amarissima dolcezza);
fols. 90v-92r: one dispersa canzone (‘Canzone di M[esser] F[rancesco] Petrarca Ultima nel poema et rimata in questo presente libro’; <inc> Quel ch’ha nostra natura in se piu degno);
fol. 92r: colophon: Il Fine;
Other contents:
[right column, except fol. 390r-390v: poems set on left and right columns] fols. 92v-390v: canti 1-35.46 of Ludovico Ariosto’s Orlando Furioso (‘Orlando Furioso di M[esser] Lodouico Ariosto. All’Ill[ustrissi]mo et R[everendissi]mo Cardinale Dom[i]no Hippolito da Este suo sig[no]re’);
fol. 391r-391v: blank.
Material Copy
Biblioteca Centrale Umanistica
This is the first of a two-volume rimario, which includes rhymes listed alphabetically from ‘abbia’ to ‘ezzo’. The second volume is ms. 99, held at the Biblioteca Universitaria di Urbino as well. Each rhyme includes blocks of lines by Petrarch, Ariosto, and Ovid, listed in order of appearance in the respective works.
The anonymous author relies on the vernacular translation of Ovid’s Metamorphoses provided by Fabio Maretti (Florence: Torrentino, Pettinari, 1568).
Mazzatinti, LXXX, 26