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[RVF 1-103 with Filelfo’s and Pseudo-Antonio da Tempo’s commentary]


Current Location

Biblioteca Universitaria

Mode of exegesis
Related to Petrarch's

RVF 1-103


Physical Description: Format

282x197 mm; V + 128 (but some fols. are missing, hence 122 in total) + I fols.

Physical Description: Textblock

paper; semi-gothic hand; each poem (or stanza of canzone) (in red ink) followed by commentary (in black ink) distributed across the page beneath it; decorated initials.

Visual Elements
Title Page

<inc> Perseuera co[n] honesta ch[e] e ben lice (fol. 1v)

Internal Description

fol. Ir: short note on the contents of the ms. by a nineteenth-century hand;
fol. Iv: blank;
fols. IIr-IIIr: longer note on the contents (written by P. Odoardi) (<inc> La riflessione a [††]zieci[†]o fatta intorno all’o[pera] dall’Alcionio; <exp> potrai riscontrare a parlare con più sicurezza);
fols. IIIv-IVv: blank;
fol. Vr: note on the contents of the ms. (written by Gio[vanni] Bottari) (<inc> Questo comento del Petrarca ha molte partitione ed è la prima che è composto [sic] da un toscano; <exp> irrimediabile è che si troua molto mancante);
fols. Vv-1r: two blank fols. pasted over the continuation of Bottari’s note;
fol. 1v: two sonnets (‘Perseuera co[n] honesta ch[e] e ben lice’, and ‘Sempre sedisse ch[e] vn fa male acento’);
fols. 2r-4v: RVF 1 and 3 with [Pseudo-Antonio da Tempo’s] commentary (<inc of commentary> Questo sonecto de tucti glialtri sequenti e prohemio come apertamente sivede; <exp of commentary> etiamdio rispondendo a quella tacita dimanda ch[e] [the sentence is left unfinished in the middle of the fol.]);
fol. 5r: title (‘Elco[m]mento sopre isonecti del petrarcha copiato p[er] me fra Jpolito i[n] Roma cominciato adi 20 febraro et finito adi 10 daprile 1465’);
fols. 5r-128v: RVF 1-103 with Filelfo’s commentary (<inc of commentary> Quantunq[ue] ilpresente sonecto fusse da messer francesco petrarca jnquesta legiadra o suauissima opra i[n] luoco di prefacione collocato no[n] fu pero ilprimo ch[e] lui fesse; <exp of commentary> Voccali nel presente optuagesimo quinto sonecto una [the sentence is left unfinished in the middle of the fol.]).

Material Copy


Biblioteca Universitaria

Copy seen by

The metrical form of each RVF poem and a running number are written next to the first line of every poem (e.g., ‘primo sonecto’ or ‘canzone 24’) either by the same hand or a later one.
Fols. 67, 70, 112, 121, 123, and 124 are missing.
Decorated initials for RVF 1 (fols. 2r and 5r); at the bottom of both fols. is a coat of arms (two different ones) with two similar mottos (at fol. 2r: ‘persevera’; at fol. 5r: ‘persevera co[n] honesta’). At fol. 4v, a drawing in black ink with another coat of arms with the motto ‘nunquam inlecte’.


CPR, 6-8; Mazzatinti, XXIII, 98
Bessi 1987; Marcelli 2015