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[RVF 264, 360, 366]


Current Location

Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana
Vatican City
Vatican City

Vat. Lat. 5994
fourteenth / fifteenth century (1466 for fol. 73)
Mode of exegesis
Related to Petrarch's

RVF 264, 360, 366


Physical Description: Format

265x190 mm; I + 91 (numbered 1-90) + I fols.

Physical Description: Textblock

paper (except fols. 13-49, 75-83 in parchment); humanistic and semi-gothic scripts by various hands (humanistic scripts for Petrarch-related works); Petrarch’s poems set on both left and right in two horizontally aligned blocks with two verses per line and prose texts.

Title Page

‘CANÇON MORALISSIMA del Petrarcha’ (fol. 67r)

Internal Description

fols. 67r-68v: RVF 360, 264, 366 (‘CANÇON MORALISSIMA del Petrarcha’);
fol. 68v: colophon: finis;
fol. 73v: Petrarch’s note on Laura (‘La infrascripta epistola, ouero Com[m]emoratione, fu trouata a Roma in casa dela habitatione di misser F[rancesco] P[etrarca] in uno suo studiolo scripta de sua propria manu cui[u]s a[n]i[m]a b[e]n[e]dicat[ur] Am[en]’; <inc> LAVRA proprys ui[r]tutib[u]s illustris, et meis longum celebrata carminibus; <exp> i[n]expectatos exitus acriter ac uiriliter cogitanti);
fol. 73v: vernacular translation of Petrarch’s note on Laura attributed to Leonardo Bruni (‘LA inanzi scripta ep[isto]la ouero Com[m]emoratione acerba traducta i[n] volgare p[er] misser Leonardo Aretino. Laureato dopo lam[m]orte subito’; <inc> LAVRA di propria virtu illustre, et lungo te[m]po in Limei versi et fama honorata p[ie]name[n]te aglocchi m[i]ei apparsa nel p[ri]mo t[em]po dela mia adolescentia; <exp> et vizibilme[n]te pensante le sup[er]flue cure del p[rese]nte t[em]po, et le vane sp[er]anze, et li non aspe[c]tati finj);
fol. 74r: colophon: et sic postea fecit cui[u]s a[n]i[m]a vtinas sit in sinu habrae. Am[en]);
Other contents:
The ms. includes a series of Latin and vernacular texts, mainly religious texts such as Niccolò Bonavia da Lucca’s discourse in praise of Saint Jerome (fols. 1r-7v), and Nicholas of Osimo’s Quadriga spirituale (fol. 13r-48r), epitaphs (fol. 2v: for ‘Jacobum de Reate’, fol. 74v: for pope Martin V, fol. 66r: ‘Epitaphium homenee puelle Roman[e] nobilissim[e] in Altari S[anc]ti Angeli prope S[an]ctum Sp[irit]um’), and Latin orations, such as Marco Canetoli’s oration to antipope John XXXIII (fols. 10v-11v), and Petrus de Ramponibus’s oration against Pope Eugene IV (fol. 57r-57v). For a detailed list of works and incipits, see CVL VI, 297-300.

Material Copy


CVL, VI, 297-300; Iter, II, 378b, Pellegrin 1976, 130
Hankins 1997, 206