Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana
Vatican City
Vatican City
RVF 264, 360, 366
265x190 mm; I + 91 (numbered 1-90) + I fols.
paper (except fols. 13-49, 75-83 in parchment); humanistic and semi-gothic scripts by various hands (humanistic scripts for Petrarch-related works); Petrarch’s poems set on both left and right in two horizontally aligned blocks with two verses per line and prose texts.
‘CANÇON MORALISSIMA del Petrarcha’ (fol. 67r)
fols. 67r-68v: RVF 360, 264, 366 (‘CANÇON MORALISSIMA del Petrarcha’);
fol. 68v: colophon: finis;
fol. 73v: Petrarch’s note on Laura (‘La infrascripta epistola, ouero Com[m]emoratione, fu trouata a Roma in casa dela habitatione di misser F[rancesco] P[etrarca] in uno suo studiolo scripta de sua propria manu cui[u]s a[n]i[m]a b[e]n[e]dicat[ur] Am[en]’; <inc> LAVRA proprys ui[r]tutib[u]s illustris, et meis longum celebrata carminibus; <exp> i[n]expectatos exitus acriter ac uiriliter cogitanti);
fol. 73v: vernacular translation of Petrarch’s note on Laura attributed to Leonardo Bruni (‘LA inanzi scripta ep[isto]la ouero Com[m]emoratione acerba traducta i[n] volgare p[er] misser Leonardo Aretino. Laureato dopo lam[m]orte subito’; <inc> LAVRA di propria virtu illustre, et lungo te[m]po in Limei versi et fama honorata p[ie]name[n]te aglocchi m[i]ei apparsa nel p[ri]mo t[em]po dela mia adolescentia; <exp> et vizibilme[n]te pensante le sup[er]flue cure del p[rese]nte t[em]po, et le vane sp[er]anze, et li non aspe[c]tati finj);
fol. 74r: colophon: et sic postea fecit cui[u]s a[n]i[m]a vtinas sit in sinu habrae. Am[en]);
Other contents:
The ms. includes a series of Latin and vernacular texts, mainly religious texts such as Niccolò Bonavia da Lucca’s discourse in praise of Saint Jerome (fols. 1r-7v), and Nicholas of Osimo’s Quadriga spirituale (fol. 13r-48r), epitaphs (fol. 2v: for ‘Jacobum de Reate’, fol. 74v: for pope Martin V, fol. 66r: ‘Epitaphium homenee puelle Roman[e] nobilissim[e] in Altari S[anc]ti Angeli prope S[an]ctum Sp[irit]um’), and Latin orations, such as Marco Canetoli’s oration to antipope John XXXIII (fols. 10v-11v), and Petrus de Ramponibus’s oration against Pope Eugene IV (fol. 57r-57v). For a detailed list of works and incipits, see CVL VI, 297-300.
Material Copy
Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana
Vatican City
Vatican City
At the top of fol. 73v is the date of the transcription: ‘sc[ri]ptu[s] die XV ma[r]tij 1466’.
Fol. 67 has been counted twice (67 and 67bis).
CVL, VI, 297-300; Iter, II, 378b, Pellegrin 1976, 130
Hankins 1997, 206