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[RVF and Triumphi – with index]


Current Location

Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library
New Haven, CT
United States

Beinecke MS 706
Mode of exegesis
Related to Petrarch's

RVF, Triumphi + Mortis Ia and Fame Ia


Physical Description: Format

185x121 mm; I + 186 + I fols.

Physical Description: Textblock

paper; semi-gothic hand; Petrarch’s poems with one verse per line and prose texts; decorated initials.

Visual Elements
Title Page

<inc> A pie de colli oue la bella

Internal Description

fols. 1r-6v: alphabetical index of the first lines of RVF poems (under each letter of the alphabet, poems are listed in order of appearance);
fol. 7r: blank;
fol. 7v-8r: an excerpt from Petrarch’s Africa [VI.885-918] (‘Oratio hec in Africa D[omini] F[rancisci] P[etrarcae] & fuit magonis fratris ha[n]nibalis qui tempore belli punici secundi, dum in liguribus bellum gereret fuit apud genuam uulneratus & in Africa rediens dum esset apud Sardiniam uicinis morti sic loquutus est. Infine VI. libie Africe’);
fol. 8r: colophon: finis;
fol. 8v: blank;
fols. 9r-108v: RVF 1-263 (‘Francisci Petrarcae poetae clarissimi carmen rithimonos [sic] elegi/a/cum in Lauram feliciter incipit’);
fols. 109r-148r: RVF 264-366 (‘Que sequuntur post mortem domine Lauree scripta sunt. Ita [e]n[im] prop[ri]o codice domini francisci annotatum est, & carte quatuor pretermisse vacue’);
fol. 148r: colophon: Deo gratias. Amen;
fol. 148r-148v: Petrarch’s note on Laura (‘Scriptu[m] manu propria d[omi]ni F[rancisci] p[etrarcae] in quodam eius virgilio uisum est’, <inc> Laura propijs uirtutibus illustris et meis lungum celebrata carminibus; <exp> i[n] spectatos exitus acriter ac uiriliter cogitanti);
fol. 148v: colophon: finis;
fols. 149r-186r: Triumphi (order: Amoris I, Amoris III, Amoris IV, Amoris II, Pudicitie, Mortis I, Mortis Ia, Mortis II, Fame Ia, Fame I, Fame II, Fame III, Temporis, Eternitatis);
fol. 186r: colophon: finis. Sit laus Christo omnipotenti deo. Veronean[n]o [sic] i[n]carnatio[n]is sue MoCCCoLXXXXIIJo;
fol. 186v: blank.

Material Copy


Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library
New Haven, CT
United States

Beinecke MS 706
Copy seen by

Decorated initial for RVF 1 (fol. 9r). Before every RVF poem is a running number written in red.
Fols. 108 and 109 (with RVF 264.54-136, 265, and 266) were lost and have been substituted by two other fols. containing the same lines (written by a similar hand with a different ink). The fols. must have been lost before the foliation was added to the ms., because no interruption in the numeration of the fols. occurs.


Iter, V, 639a; Supplement 1 to Dutschke 1986, 463-64 (n. 3)