Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana
RVF, Triumphi
280x170 mm; II + 144 + I fols.
paper (except fol. I in parchment); mercantesca; Petrarch’s poems with one verse per line.
‘Tauola desonetti d[i] mess[er] franc[esco] petra[rca]’
fol. IIr: title by later hand ‘No 230. M[esser] Francesco petrarca Rime Dante Sonetti e Ballate della sua vita nuova’; at the bottom of the fol. note of possession: ‘[—] Sen[ato]re Carlo di Tommaso Strozzi. 1670’;
fol. IIv: blank;
fols. 1r-3v: alphabetical index of the first lines of RVF sonnets (under each letter of the alphabet, poems are listed in order of appearance) (‘Tauola desonetti d[i] mess[er] franc[esco] petra[rca]’);
fols. 3v-4v: alphabetical index of the first lines of RVF other compositions (under each letter of the alphabet, poems are listed in order of appearance) (‘Tauola di ballate e canzone moralj dimesse [sic] francesco petrarca’);
fol. 4v: incomplete alphabetical index (letters A to D) of the first lines of Dante’s canzoni (under each letter of the alphabet, poems are listed in order of appearance) (‘Tauola delle canzone dida[n]te’);
fols. 5r-57v: 318 RVF sonnets (‘d[omini] domjnj franciscj petrah [sic] sine [sic] cha[n]tilene feliciter incipiunt’);
fols. 58r-62v: blank;
fols. 63r-97r: forty-seven other RVF poems (‘Chantilene moraljs [sic] clarjssimj poeta francjscj petrarchae feliciter incipiunt hora’);
fol. 1101r-135r: Triumphi (‘francjscj petrarcja clarjssimj poeta triunphorum VI Liber unicus feliciter incipit in primjs ut amor vincit mundum feljcjter le[††]’; order: Amoris I, Amoris III, Amoris IV, Amoris II, Pudicitie, Mortis Ia, Mortis I, Mortis II, Fame Ia, Fame I, Fame II, Fame III, Temporis, Eternitatis);
fol. 135r: colophon: francjscj Petrarcae poete clarjsimj triunphorum VI liber unicus feliciter explicit Laus deo;
Other contents:
fols. 97r-114r: eighteen of Dante’s canzoni (‘Cosj nelmio parlar voglio esser aspro’, ‘Donne chauete intelletto damore’, ‘Donna pietosa et dinovela etate’; ‘Voi cantando IL terzo cielo movete’, ‘Amor chenella mente miragiona’, ‘Le dolci rime damor chio solea’, ‘Amor chemuovj tua virtu dalcjelo’, ‘Jo sento sidamor la gran possanza’, ‘Alpoco giorno et al gran cerchio dombra’, ‘Glochi dolente p[er] pieta delcore’, ‘E mincresce dime si malamente’, ‘Poscia damor del tutto ma lasciato’, ‘Ladispiatata mente che pur mjra’, ‘Tre donne jntorno alcor miso[n] venute’, ‘Doglia mi reca nello core ardire’, ‘Amor dache convien pur chio mi doglia’, [actually Cino da Pistoia’s] ‘Jo no[n] posso celar lmyo dolore’, ‘Ai faux ris proun quoj traj haves’);
fols. 114v-115v: blank; followed by one unnumbered blank fol.;
fols. 135r-137r: nine poems taken from Dante’s Vita Nova (‘Sonetti et ballate et canzone didante tratte della sua vita nuova’; canzone ‘Quantumque volte lasso mjrjsembra’, sonnet ‘O voi che p[er] via damor passate’, ballad ‘Ballata Jvo che tu ritrouj amore’, sonnets ‘Spesse fiate vegnomi nellamente’, ‘Amore elcor gentile sono unacosa’, ‘Era venuta nella mente mia’, ‘De peregrine chepensosi andate’, ‘Oltra laspera chepiu larga spira’, ballad ‘Io mi son pargoletta bella et nova’ [this last poem is not from the Vita Nova]);
fols. 137v-138v: blank.
Material Copy
Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana
At fol. 137r a note of possession allows us to identify the copyist: ‘Liber iste est Jhouan[n]is iacobi latini primerani Lotti domini folchetti M[esser] Chiariti domini ghuidocti M[esser] de piglis. E manu p[r]opria scrissit’.
Modern numeration proceeds without interruption until fol. 115 but then stops. The original numeration starts as fol. 110 (i.e. fol. [116] of the modern numeration), and this is marked up as 1101.
CPR, 28; Dante 2002, I.1, 188-90
Borsi 1980, 127-32