Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale
RVF, Triumphi + Triumphus Fame Ia
294x215 mm; IV + 351 (unnumbered) + 260 + III fols.
paper; two scripts: nineteenth-century script (fols. 11-351 and 229-255), and mercantesca (fols. 1-227); Petrarch’s poems with one verse per line, distributed in two columns.
<inc> Questa sia latavola ditutte lechose delpetrarcha
fols. 19r-21r: alphabetical index of the first lines of RVF poems (under each letter of the alphabet, poems are listed in order of appearance) (‘Questa sia latavola ditutte lechose delpetrarcha’);
fol. 21v: blank;
fols. 22r-65r: RVF;
fol. 65r: colophon: finto [sic]. Amen amen;
fol. 65r: two sonnets: [Antonio da Ferrara’s] ‘[O] nouella tarpea inchui saschonde’ and [Petrarch’s answer per le rime] ‘[O] ingegno vsato alle q[u]istion p[r]ofonde’;
fol. 65r: colophon: finito. amen;
fol. 65v: blank;
fols. 66r-75r: Triumphi (order: Mortis II, Fame Ia, Amoris II, Amoris I, Amoris III, Amoris IV, Pudicitie.1-93+6 lines (see notes), Mortis I, Fame I, Fame II, Fame III, Temporis, Eternitatis);
fol. 75r: colophon: qui sonfiniti i trionfi dimessere franc[esc]o petrarcha deo gratias. amen;
fol. 75v: blank;
Other contents:
fol. 11r: title page (‘II. Alighieri (Dante) Canzoni e Sonetti, & c. Cod[ice] 40’);
fol. 11v: blank;
fol. 21r: indication of ownership of the ms.;
fol. 21v: blank;
fols. 31r-221v: index of contents of the ms. (‘Operum series’);
fols. 231r-321r: index of contents of the ms. arranged alphabetically according to names of the authors included in the ms. (‘Operum series alpha betica’);
fol. 321v: blank;
fol. 331r: title page (‘Alighieri (Dante) Canzoni e Sonetti, & c.’);
fols. 331v-341v: blank;
fol. 351r: ancient shelfmark of the ms. (‘n. 640’) and title page (‘Raccolta di Poesie diuerse’);
fol. 351v: blank;
fols. 1r-2v: index of contents of the ms.;
fols. 3r-16v: Dante’s poems (23 canzoni, 1 stanza, 34 sonnets, 1 sestina, and 4 ballads);
fol. 17r-17v: Dante’s epistle in Italian (<inc> [A] tutti ecaschuni [sic] re ditalia easenatori di roma; <exp> del chlarissimo dante poeta fiorentino);
fol. 18r-18v: blank;
fols. 76r-227v: several hundreds poems (mainly sonnets, but also canzoni and capitoli) by many different authors (including Boccaccio, Antonio Pucci, Niccolò Tinucci, Niccolò Cieco, Benedetto Accolti, Francesco d’Altobianco degli Alberti, Leonardo Dati, Antonio di Meglio, Giovanni di Maffeo, Bonaccorso Pitti, Ciriaco d’Ancona, Simone Serdini, Giustro da Volterra, Antonio da Ferrara, Jacopo Cecchi, Sennuccio Benucci, Guido Cavalcanti, Fazio degli Uberti, Francesco Peruzzi, Franco Sacchetti, Lorenzo Damiani, Mariotto Davanzati, Niccolò delle Botti, Gioacchinotto Bostichi, Giovanni Fiorentino, and Matteo Frescobaldi). For a detailed list of first lines and authors, see Mazzatinti, VIII, 152-62. Fol. 228r-228v: blank;
fols. 229r-255v: Vincenzio Follini’s dissertation on two poems written at fols. 129 and 138 (<inc> Se i monumenti della venerabile antichità; <exp> Finita e scritta da me Vincenzio Follini questi di 3 settembre 1805);
fols. 256r-260v: blank.
Material Copy
Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale
After fol. 40, a fol. is missing (numeration remains unchanged). The missing fol. presumably contained RVF 133-139.
The six lines that follow Triumphus Pudicitie.93 are: ‘Ivi be[n] mille gloriose salme | torre li vidi lafaretra ellarcho | elleggarli p[er] força ambo lepalme | dietro dal dosso e lui impedito et charcho | non dellusate spoglie ançi de ferro | e dongni sua baldanza ignudo e scarcho’.
Mazzatinti, VIII, 151-62