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[Triumphi with Pseudo-Filelfo’s commentary]


Current Location

Biblioteca Universitaria

Ms. Aldini 473
mid-fifteenth century
Mode of exegesis
Related to Petrarch's

Triumphi (except Fame, Temporis, Eternitatis) + Mortis Ia, Fame Ia.1-59


Physical Description: Format

243x160 mm, II + 126 + II fols.

Physical Description: Textblock

paper; cursive humanistic script; single lines or small sections of Petrarch’s poems in red ink set on left with commentary in black ink distributed across the page beneath either every single line or section of text; one architectural frame; decorated initials.

Visual Elements
Title Page

<inc> Incomincia ellibro chiamato trionpho damore facto et composto dallo excellentissimo poeta Messer francescho petrarcha di firenze

Internal Description

fol. 1r: introductory paragraph to [Pseudo-Filelfo’s] commentary (<inc> Incomincia ellibro chiamato trionpho damore facto et composto dallo excellentissimo poeta Messer francescho petrarcha di firenze; <exp> ciascuno sottomettendosi al giogo damore et trasforma[n]dosi inquella cosa piu amo me[n]tre uisse);
fol. 1r-1v: [Pseudo-Filelfo’s] prologue to his commentary (<inc> Lo primo triompho ouero felicita fu in auere possessione ouero co[n]te[n]tam[en]to in amore disua don[n]a inamorata; <exp> sara poi ariuederla incielo glorificata q[uas]i uoglia dire lingua humana no[n] e[st] sofficie[n]te adirlo);
fols. 1v-124v: Triumphus Amoris I, III.1-109, IV.13-102, Pudicitie, Mortis Ia, Mortis I.19-120, Mortis II, Fame Ia.1-59 with [Pseudo-Filelfo’s] commentary (<inc of commentary – after Triumphus Amoris I.1> Circa ilprincipio diquesto capitolo edanotare lautore secondo scriue in uno de suoi sonetti ilquale comincia; <exp of commentary> et dice io uidi parechi et questi furono Rutilio uolumio. Gracco. et philo dequali sopra edichiarato fatti peruirtu darme alti et ge[n]tili cioe costoro uidio);
fols. 125r-126r: blank;
fol. 126v: strokes of pen, a couple of lines from the Triumphi, and two signatures.

Material Copy


Biblioteca Universitaria

Ms. Aldini 473
Copy seen by

According to Rizzardi (2004, XIII), this is one of the most ancient copies of Pseudo-Filelfo’s commentary.
Lines and commentary on Triumphus Amoris I.136-141 are placed between lines and commentary on Triumphus Amoris II, 20-21.
Fol. 1r has an architectural frame with white vine-stem decoration; at the bottom section of the fol. are two cupids and a coat of arms of the Visconti family. Initials in gold for the introductory paragraph and the prologue of [Pseudo-Filelfo’s] commentary (fol. 1r), Triumphus Amoris III (fol. 25r), Mortis Ia (fol. 57v), Mortis II (fol. 60r), and Fame Ia (fol. 90r).
At fol. 126v two signatures appear: the first one might indicate the name of the copyist ‘nicolo da palaiolo fo adi p[rim]o’; the second signature is copied twice: ‘Antonio dala sanb. sandra d.’ and ‘antonio dala sanbuchci [sic]’, and presumably is a note of possession.


CPR, 163-64; Ms.PV 1894, 275
Rizzardi 2004, XIII