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[Triumphus Fame Ia with Bracciolini’s commentary and anonymous annotations]


Current Location

Biblioteca del Seminario Vescovile

fifteenth century
Mode of exegesis
Related to Petrarch's

Triumphus Fame Ia


Physical Description: Format

242x157 mm; III + 148 + III fols.

Physical Description: Textblock

parchment; humanistic script; first part of the capitolo (in red ink) followed by commentary (in black ink) and then small sections of Petrarch’s poem set on left (in red ink) with commentary (in black ink) distributed across the page beneath each of them, and annotations irregularly distributed on the sides; two architectural frames, historiated and decorated initials.

Visual Elements
Title Page

Prohemio di Iacopo di messer Poggo [sic] al Magnifico Lorenzo demedici sopra el trionpho della fama di messer Francesco Petrarcha

Internal Description

fols. 1r-3v: Bracciolini’s dedicatory letter to Lorenzo de’ Medici (‘Prohemio di Iacopo di messer Poggo [sic] al Magnifico Lorenzo demedici sopra el trionpho della fama di messer Francesco Petrarcha’, <inc> Comune e opinione Magnifico Lorenzo glihuomini antichi esser prudenti et sauij perla lunga experientia delle cose uedute dalloro; <exp> mi mectero anauichare inalto mare sperando con prospera fortuna condurmi inporto: hauendo te per capitano & ghouernatore);
fol. 4r: blank;
fol. 4v: Triumphus Fame Ia.1-24;
fols. 5r-6r: blank;
fol. 6v: title (‘In que | sto uolume | si contiene el | comento deltri | onpho della fa | ma di messer Fra | ncesco Petrar | cha’) written in capital letters within a decorated circle;
fols. 7r-148r: Triumphus Fame Ia.25-163 with annotations and Bracciolini’s commentary (‘Comento di Iacopo di Messer Poggo [sic] fiorentino sopra eltrionpho della fama perlui conposta [sic]’, <inc> Elpopolo romano superiore pelle sua [sic] singulari et immense uirtu a tutti glingegni degli scrittori conoscendo niuna cosa esser piu accepta egrata agliuomini che lauictoria; <exp> consumata lauita sua Carlo inaquisgrana citta presso al Rheno mori ineta danni lxxij neglianni di xr[ist]o octocento quindici e delsuo imperio quaranta sette con grandissima gloria ebeniuolentia inaudita desuo popoli);
fol. 148v: blank.

Material Copy


Biblioteca del Seminario Vescovile

Copy seen by

Marginal annotations by the same hand either refer to the name of the characters mentioned in the texts, or give brief summaries of some passages.
Historiated initial in gold for Bracciolini’s dedicatory letter to Lorenzo de’ Medici (fol. 1r); decorated initials in gold for Triumphus Fame Ia (fol. 4v) and Bracciolini’s commentary (fol. 7r); at fols. 1r and 7r is an architectural frame with the coat of arms of the Este family within a wreath; at fol. 6v is a decoration around the circle within which the title is written.


Iter, II, 9a; Stievano 1904, 136-41
Guerrini Ferri 2006