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[RVF and Triumphi – with annotations]


Current Location

Biblioteca Comunale Forteguerriana

Acq. e doni 2
Mode of exegesis
Related to Petrarch's

RVF, Triumphi + Fame Ia


Physical Description: Format

248x170 mm; II + 179 fols.

Physical Description: Textblock

paper; two semi-gothic hands; Petrarch’s poems with one verse per line with annotations distributed either on left or right in single column or in interlinear position.

Title Page

<inc> Quando io muouo i sospiria chiamar uoi (fol. 2r)

Internal Description

fol. IIr: title page penned by a late (presumably nineteenth-century) hand: Francesco Petrarcha. | Sonnetti, Canzoni e Trionfi.;
fol. IIv: blank;
fols. 1r-98v: RVF 1-263 followed by dispersa (sonnet ‘Uella [sic] ghirlanda che la bella fonte’) with annotations;
fols. 99r: colophon: Francisci petrarce Laureati poete de dillecte sue uita quam per xvj. annos adamauit vulgaricum carmen explicit;
fols. 99v-139v: RVF 264-366 (RVF 365 is the last poem in order of appearance) followed by disperse (sonnets ‘Oi [sic] chal fattor de luniuerso piacque’, ‘tato [sic] fossio quando la uidi i[n]prima’) with annotations (‘Jncipit de morte eiusdem quam post obitum annis x. deplorauit. ut sequitur’);
fol. 139v: colophon: τελωζ;
fols. 140r-167r: Triumphi (order: Mortis II, Fame Ia, Amoris II, Amoris I, Amoris III, Amoris IV, Pudicitie 1-94 + six lines (Tore gli uidi la pharetra e larcho / E legargli per força ambe le palme / Drieto dal dosso ellui impedito e carcho / Non dellusata spoglia anzi di ferro / E dogni sua baldança igniudo et scarcho / Qual uider me parue sio non erro), Mortis I, Fame I, Fame II, Fame III.1-120, Temporis, Eternitatis);
fol. 167: colophon: finis;
Other contents:
fols. 167v-174v: [DOMENICO da Montecchiello’s] capitolo (‘E [sic] uaghe rime el dolcie dir damore’);
fol. 174v: long colophon revealing the name of copyist and providing details on the assassination of Galeazzo Maria Sforza, Duke of Milan: Mcccclxxvi. die xxsexto dece[m]bris hora decima et septima crudeliter et proditorie interfectus fuit Jllustriss[imus] et Excellentiss[imus] d[omi]n[u]s d[omi]n[u]s n[oste]r Galeaz[zus] Maria Sphortia dux M[ediola]ni. Quatordecem vulnerib[us] sibi illatis in Eclesia S[an]cti Stefani in alto per scelleratissimos et nefandos sacrilegos [††] infra notatos d[ominos] Johane[m] Andrea[m] de Lampugnano, Carolum vicecomite[m] et Yeronimu[m] de Olzano et in brevi de ipsis trib[us] f[a]cta fuit maxima et asp[err]ima vindicta. Et cu[m] merito. Ego Federico Ponzonus manu p[ro]pria’;
fols. 175r-179v: capitolo by anonymous author (‘dOnne piatose diuentate crude’);
fol. 179v: second long colophon revealing the name of copyist and providing details on the Ponzoni family: die xxiiij maij 1473 hora xv. Spect[abi]lis et g[rati]osa d[omi]na Catarina de Bre[m]bate ad sup[er]os migravit Bergomi – Federico Ponzoni – Mcccclxviiij nono Septe[m]bris hora viiij ortus e[x] michi Federico ponzono puer qui [†]otatur. Maffeus Benedict[us] Luchas in casteleto d[omi]nor[um] de ponzo[n]ibus cremone ex eius matre Orsola filia q[uo]d et pert.lis [sic] d[omi]ni Maff[ei]s de bre[m]bate doctoris de Bergomo.

Material Copy


Biblioteca Comunale Forteguerriana

Acq. e doni 2
Copy seen by

Numerous RVF poems are accompanied with Latin annotations by the same hand that transcribed the main text. More concise annotations, mostly in interlinear position, either provide variant readings or a Latin translation of some vernacular words (fol. 68v: ‘rea: culpabilis’). Longer and less numerous annotations illustrate potentially obscure passages, demonstrating a serious interest in astronomical and broadly philosophical matters (such as the emergence or manifestation of feelings: next to the lines of RVF 206, at fol. 81r, the annotator observes: ‘chi deuendolanguir etc. Jdest qui debj mori languendo, prius moriatur absque illo languore. uel sic, fubaudi xbim tacitus, et qui debet uiuere languendo, prius moriatur’).
At fol. 62r-62v RVF 137 and 138 have been crossed out by pen but are still legible.
Fols. 1 and 158 are not authentic: as with the title page, they have been added to the ms. at a later stage and reproduce the missing lines in a handwriting that imitates the original one.


Ms.PIS, 106 (no 228)