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[Malatesti’s academic lecture on Triumphus Amoris II.184-87]


Current Location

Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale

Magl. VII. 391
seventeenth century (after 1637)
Mode of exegesis
Related to Petrarch's

Triumphus Amoris II.184-87


Accademia degli Apatisti, Florence


Physical Description: Format

200x137 mm; II + 575 + I fols. (numbered 1-286, 2472-2862, 287-535).

Physical Description: Textblock

paper; seventeenth-century cursive hand; single lines or small sections of Petrarch’s poems set either on left or in central columns, with prose text of lecture distributed across the page beneath either every single line or section of text.

Title Page

‘Lezione fatta nell’Accademia degl’APATISTI il di 6 di Maggio 1637’ (fol. 156r)

Internal Description

fols. 156r-176r: Malatesti’s academic lecture on Triumphus Amoris II.184-87 (‘Lezione fatta nell’Accademia degl’APATISTI il di 6 di Maggio 1637’; <inc> Grande ardire e stato veramente il mio Vener[abi]le Priore, e Gentiliss[i]mi Uditori, conoscendomi privo di tutte quelle scienze, che son necessarie a chi vuol discorrere p[er]l’Accademie a lasciarmi p[er]suadere a montare su questa Cattedra; <exp> Molte altre cose ci sarebbon da dire sopra q[ues]ta materia, ma no[n] essendo io abile a farlo cercherò di lasciar la lezione seguente ap[er]sona che possa suplire a i miei mancanti e qu[el]la sara il Sig[no]re N.N.’);
fol. 176r: colophon: Fine;
Other contents:
The ms. is Malatesti’s zibaldone, and includes a selection of hundreds of poems and a few prose texts in draft, with many erasures, corrections, interlinear and marginal insertions. Both the prose texts, such as the ‘Ambasceria a un Principe del Carnevale’ (fols. 90r-93r), and the poems share a frivolous and facetious tone. The poetry section includes: forty-nine out of the fifty sonnets that make up his celebrated collection of erotic poems, La Tina; correspondence sonnets with other authors; compositions linked to academic happenings, such as the death of a member.

Material Copy


Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale

Magl. VII. 391
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Though self-confessedly ‘ignorantissimo’, Malatesti composes a very erudite lecture. Commenting on Triumphus Amoris II (184-87), Malatesti relies on Aristotle’s theory of love to analyse the reactions provoked by love in different types of people. He provides an extensive series of quotations, ranging from classical to early modern authors. He also shows a marked interest in astronomy, investigated through the quotations of poetic authorities, and in relation to the mythological figures cited by Petrarch (Pygmalion, Cidippe). The lecture is written only in the rectos of the fols.; in the versos are Malatesti’s poems.
At fol. 149 Malatesti dedicates a playful misogynous tercet from one of his poems to Petrarch’s and Laura’s love: ‘Il Petrarca da Laura altro che inchini | no[n] hebbe che le donne anco in quei tempi | no[n] uoleuan sonetti ma quattrini’.


Della Torre 1909; Haan 1998, 196; Messina 2014, 36-8