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[Triumphi with Ilicino’s commentary and RVF with Filelfo’s and Squarciafico’s commentaries]


Place of Publication


Date of Publication
Mode of exegesis
Related to Petrarch's

Triumphi, RVF


Physical Description: Format

folio; aa8, a-q8, A-M8, N6; [8], 128, 102 fols.

Physical Description: Textblock

paper; Petrarch’s poems and commentary in roman type; printed numbering; some of Petrarch’s poems set on left (or right) in small block, with commentary distributed on three sides; some other of Petrarch’s poems set on both left and right in two horizontally aligned blocks, with commentary distributed across the page beneath each set of two blocks; six full-page woodcuts.

Visual Elements
Title Page

Triumphi de Misser Fran | cescho Petrarcha con | li Sonetti: correcti | nouamente

Internal Description

First part
aa1v: preface by Nicolò Peranzone as editor of Petrarch’s texts;
aa1v: three sonnets by Nicolò Peranzone in praise of Petrarch (‘Volle natura nella nostra etade’ in praise of Petrarch and Laura, ‘Ventura idio el prouerbio dice’ in praise of virtue, and ‘Virtu che fai in questo miser mondo’, labelled as ‘Dialogo dela uirtu’);
aa2r-aa6v: index of notable matters for the Triumphi;
aa6v-aa7r: Ilicino’s dedicatory letter to Borso d’Este (‘Ad Illustrissimum Mutinae Ducem diuum Borsium Estensem Bernardi Ilicini medicinae: ac philosophiae discipuli in triumphorum clarissimi poetae Francisci Petrarchae expositio incipit’);
aa7r-aa8r: Ilicino’s prologue to his commentary;
aa8v-q8r: Triumphi with Ilicino’s commentary; each triumph is preceded by a full-page woodcut: Triumphus Amoris (aa8v), Pudicitie (e2v), Mortis (f5v), Fame (h4v), Temporis (o6v), Eternitatis (p7v);
q8r: register and colophon: Finis;
q8v: blank;
Second part
A1r: index of notable matters for RVF;
A1v: Filelfo’s dedicatory letter to Filippo Maria Visconti;
A2r-N5v: RVF 1-135 with Filelfo’s commentary, followed by RVF 136 with Filelfo’s and Squarciafico’s commentaries, followed by RVF 137-366 with Squarciafico’s commentary. H2r: explicit mention of the fact that the commentator changes: ‘SEGVITA LA INTERPRETATIONE DI HYERONIMO SQuARZAFICO ALEXANDRINO SOPRA EL RESTO DELLA PRESENTE OPERA’;
N5v: register and colophon: Finisse gli sonetti di Misser Francescho Petrarcha coreti & castigati per me[sser] Hieronymo Centone Paduano Impressi in Venetia per Piero Veroneso nel M.CCCCLXXXX. Aprilo Regnante lo Inclito & glorioso principe Augustino Barbadico.

Copy Seen


Cornell University Library
Ithaca, NY
United States

Petrarch PQ4476 .A90 ++
Copy seen by

British Library
United Kingdom

Copy seen by

In the British Library copy, fols. aa7 and aa8 are missing and are replaced by three fols. taken from a later edition (probably Venice: Bartholomaeus de Zanis, 1500). These fols. contain: Ilicino’s dedicatory letter to Borso d’Este (fol. 1r); Ilicino’s prologue to his commentary (fol. 1r-1v); a paragraph on the usefulness of Petrarch’s Triumphi (‘Vtilitate de li Triumphi de Misser Francescho Petrarcha’) (fols. 1v-2r); a short paragraph on the title of the work and the author’s name (‘Nome del libro & auctore desso’) (fol. 2r); a life of Petrarch (‘La origine de Misser Francescho Petrarcha’, ‘La forma de Misser Francescho Petrarcha’, and ‘Li costumi de Misser Francesco Petrarcha’) (fols. 2r-3r); a paragraph on Petrarch’s works (‘Opere composte per Misser Francescho Petrarcha’) (fol. 3r); Petrarch’s note on Laura (‘Memorabilia quaedam de Laura manu propria Francisci Petrarce scripta in quodam Codice Virgilii in papiensi bibliotheca reperta’) (fol. 3r); a paragraph on the structure of the Triumphi (‘Diuisione de li Triumphi de Misser Francescho Petrarcha’) (fol. 3r), a full-page woodcut of Triumphus Amoris (fol. 3v).
In the Cornell copy, fol. aa1 is missing.