Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana
Vatican City
Vatican City
Marginal annotations by different later hands include: paraphrase of some passages of Petrarch’s biography; addition of specific year, when something notable is mentioned in the poet’s biography; addition of some missing lines to the RVF poems; references to Latin sources (e.g., fol. 26r: ‘Ouidius sm [sic] scilicet ultima semp[er] c[on]f[erre]’); information unrelated to Petrarch (e.g., fol. 128r: ‘1447 die 27 ap[r]ilis hora se[con]da noctis aduenie[n]te die uene[r]is 28 obijt d[ominus] aloisius de s[anc]to Seuerino i[n] m[edio]l[an]o du[m] hec sc[ri]berem’); information on the arrangement of the capitoli of the Triumphi (e.g., fols. 153r (about Triumphus Mortis Ia): ‘questo capitoletto ch[e] s[e]c[on]do lopinio[ne] d[e] moltj no[n] fo[r]nj lautor[e] i[n] moltj uolumj no[n] sta i[n] questo luoco ma s[e]c[on]do me et alt[ri] q[ue]sto e suo piu p[ropr]io loco ch[e] altroue’; or 162v (about Triumphus Amoris II): ‘Nota ch[e] q[ue]sto capitulo par meritame[n]te douere star[e] nel triunpho dellamore. il ch[e] p[er] la sente[n]tia desso manifestam[en]te app[ar]e et maxime doue dice No[n] meno ta[n]tj a[r]matj i[n] grecia xerse /qua[n]ti iuj erano amantj nudj et presi’).
Historiated initials for RVF 264 showing Petrarch praying in front of a marble sepulchre close to a broken column and a cracked laurel tree (fol. 100r), every first capitolo of the Triumphi (Amoris I, fol. 141r; Pudicitie, fol. 150r; Mortis, fol. 153v; Fame, fol. 160r; Temporis, fol. 173r; Eternitatis, fol. 175v), Simone Serdini Forestani’s first poem (fol. 181r), and Malatesta Malatesti’s first poem (fol. 229r).
Fol. 1 (where RVF 1-4.1-8 were written) has been presumably lost and substituted with a blank fol.