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[Gabriele’s lecture on RVF 204]


Current Location

Veneranda Biblioteca Ambrosiana

S 78 Sup.
sixteenth century
Mode of exegesis
Related to Petrarch's

RVF 204


Physical Description: Format

330x220 mm; II + 384 + II fols.

Physical Description: Textblock

paper; sixteenth-century cursive hands; single lines or small sections of Petrarch’s poems set on left, with prose text of lecture distributed across the page beneath either every single line or section of text.

Title Page

<inc> Triphon Anima ch[e] diuerse cose tante. Platone, il quale come dice Cicerone, hà forse dato opera ad Amore più di quello ch[e] sia conueneuole

Internal Description

fols. 47r-48r: Trifon Gabriele’s lecture on RVF 204 (<inc> Triphon Anima ch[e] diuerse cose tante. Platone, il quale come dice Cicerone, hà forse dato opera ad Amore più di quello ch[e] sia conueneuole, nelle lodi di esso amore, dice che sono tre sorti d’Amore; <exp> Et per questo uerso mostra il Camino esser oscuro, come di sop[r]a mostrò esser \ intricato \ Seguendo i passi honesti. Risponde à L’orme et à segni, è diuo raggio. Risponde à i lumi, et à si chiara luce: et Raggio è proprio del sole, i lquale [sic] caccia la Nebbia);
Other contents:
The ms. contains a series of prose Latin and vernacular writings. Gabriele’s exposition on RVF 204 belongs to the first part of the ms., which gathers writings by and expositions on classical authors (fols. 1r-11v: ‘Triphonis Gabr[ie]l in Cic[ero]nis De officiis’; <inc> Philosophia omnis in tres partes diuidet[ur], in disserendi rationem; <exp> unde et porphirius primum separat, et distinguis genus, postea definis; fols. 41r-46r: ‘Ordo et dispositio et diuisio omnium librorum quos scripsit Cicero de philosophia morali’; <inc> Ad instituendos et dirigendos animos hominum in uia philosophiae moralis; <exp> Thaurienus quia dixerat fontib[us] ait auriemus persistens in metaphora;
fols. 50r-65v: expositions on Horace’s odes; <inc> In ea ode Horatij quae incipit quis multa; <exp> igitur bisogna darsi buon tempo mentre si uiue). The core part of the ms. includes a series of historical and political writings (fols. 156r-158v: prose writing on the armistice between Venice and the Turks; <inc> Tre sono le cagioni per le quali si puo far giuditio; <exp> senza dubbio le sarebbe stata impedita, ouerlo l’haurebbono fatta con danno suo maggiore; fols. 160r-180v: Scipio di Castro’s ‘Auertimenti p[er] il Gouerno di Sicil[i]a di D[omin]o Scipjo di Castro’; <inc> Il gouerno di Sicilia, è stato fatale à tutti i suoi Gouernatori dell’Anno 1490; <exp> Si che la buona intelligenza et amicitia con lui giouerà sempre).
Particularly cohesive is the section of writings on Poland and on Polish political situations, which includes chronicles and orations (fols. 243r-247v: ‘Successi di Polonia sino alla Presa dell’Arciduca Massimiliano’; <inc> Fatte, che furono le nominationi di due Rè ambedue le fattioni; <exp> ‘Impia prauos stimulant consulta uirorum | Jbis et infami Regno excluderete ruina’. Carmen propheticum; fols. 265r-270v: ‘ORATIO A LEGATIS SVEGI REGIS HABITA APVD POLONOS IN COMITIIS VARSAVIENSIBVS PRO SVECO [sic] PRINCIPE PRENSANTIBVS’; <inc> Reuerendissimi, Illustrissimi, Reuerendi, Illustres; <exp> et toti christianitati fuerit consultissimum, unanimes possitis, et uelitis decernere. Dici).
In the middle part of the ms. are also three exegetical writings by Nicaise Ellebaut on Aristotle’s philosophical writings (fols. 216r-238v: ‘Paraphrasis Aristotelis Politicorum Lib[er] I’; writing on Aristotle’s ethics: <inc> S††† Philosophiae moralis finis est beatitudo; <exp> Est autem uoluptas operatio habitus naturae congruentis no[n] inpedita; ‘Liber 2 Oeconomic[orum] Aris[totelis]’). For a details list of writings included in this mss., see the online reference on the Ambrosiana library’s website: link

Material Copy


Veneranda Biblioteca Ambrosiana

S 78 Sup.
Copy seen by

Gabriele’s lecture is a concise line-by-line exposition of RVF 204. The philosophical contribution is limited to the opening section. Gabriele illustrates Petrarch’s amorous infatuation on the basis of Platonic theory of love. He is also interested in elucidating obscure passages and in pointing out internal grammatical, syntactic, and semantic correspondences between the lines of the poem.


FP Ambr., 152; Pertile 1998