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[RVF and Triumphi – with index]


Current Location

Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana
Vatican City
Vatican City

Ott. Lat. 1076
fifteenth century
Mode of exegesis
Related to Petrarch's

RVF, Triumphi + Fame Ia


Physical Description: Format

233x161 mm; III+ 161 + I fols.

Physical Description: Textblock

parchment; humanistic script; Petrarch’s poems with one verse per line, with index of first lines written in two columns; decorated initials.

Visual Elements
Title Page

<inc> A pie decolli oue labella uesta

Internal Description

fol. Ir-Iv: blank;
fols. IIr-IIIv: alphabetical index of the first lines of RVF poems (under each letter of the alphabet, poems are listed in order of appearance);
fols. 1r-120v: RVF;
fols. 121r-161r: Triumphi (order: Amoris I, Amoris III, Amoris IV, Amoris II, Pudicitie, Mortis I, Mortis II, Fame Ia, Fame I, Fame II, Fame III, Temporis, Eternitatis);
fol. 161r: colophon: Qui scripxit scribat semper cundomino viuat viuat [sic] incelis semper cundomino felix;
fol. 161v: scattered words by a later hand.

Material Copy


Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana
Vatican City
Vatican City

Ott. Lat. 1076
Copy seen by

Occasional marginal annotations by the same hand provide some missing lines (e.g., fol. 142r).
RVF 137-138 (but not 136) have been erased, but are still legible (fols. 56v-57r).
Decorated initials for RVF 1 (fol. 1r) and every first capitolo of the Triumphi (fols. 121r, 138r, 141v, 150r, 156v, and 159r).


Vattasso 1909, 108-09
Guerrini Ferri 1986, 172; Guerrini Ferri 2006, 181 and 210; Pulsoni 2007, 65