8°; A-C8; [24] fols.
paper; text in italic type; no printed numbering; rhyme words of Petrarch’s poems distributed in two columns; title page within architectural frame.
RIMARIO | DE TVTTE LE CA- | dentie di Dante, et petrar- | ca, raccolte per pelle- | grino Moretto | mantovano. | Nouamente con la gionta | ristampato
A1r: title page;
A1v: blank;
A2r-A2v: Fulvio Pellegrino Morato’s dedicatory letter to Bernardino Mazzolino (‘Pelegrino Moretto Mantovano a Bernardino Mazolino Ferrarese compatre suo honorando S.D.’);
A3r-C8v: list of rhymes used by Dante and Petrarch in alphabetical order; each rhyme is followed by the corresponding rhyme words with reference to either the Petrarchan or Dantean passage concerned;
C8v: colophon: Il fine. In Vinegia per Pietro, & Zouanmaria fratelli, de Nicolini da Sabio. Ne gli anni del nostro Signore. M D L.
Copy Seen
Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale
In the Florence copy, the original cover has been replaced by a modern one and two blank fols. have been added both at the beginning and at the end of the volume.