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[Ubaldini’s glossary of Provençal words]


Current Location

Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana
Vatican City

Barb. Lat. 3993
seventeenth century
Mode of exegesis
Related to Petrarch's



Physical Description: Format

265x201 mm; 27 + I fols.

Physical Description: Textblock

paper; seventeenth-century cursive hand by three hands (fols. 1r-6v; 7r-24r; 25r-27v respectively); single words or small sections of Petrarch’s poems set on left, with prose text distributed next to them and across the page beneath them.

Title Page

‘Uoci prouenzali usate dal Petr[arca]’ (fol. 18r)

Internal Description

fols. 18r-24r: glossary of Provençal words used by Petrarch (‘Uoci prouenzali usate dal Petr[arca]’; <inc> Guerra uoce prouenzale Gugl[ielmo] Figera ‘En trabaill, et en guerra’. Via torta è della prouenzale Guglielmo ‘Eges non sap bo | Que tenet via torta’; <exp> ‘Dispaia/††† li trasmutò dà Plauto, il qual [sic] disse nel Prologo del Rudens Qui e[st] imperator diuom atq[ue] hominum Jupiter | Is nos p[er] gentis aliud alia disparat. Osseuando il Lambino che disparat uuol dire In diuersas oras separat).
Other contents:
fols. 1r-6v: excerpts from Gaspar Juan Escolano’s Décadas de la historia de Valencia
(1610-1611) (‘Grazianis Exculani Historia di Valencia. tomo primo’);
fols. 7r-14v: list of biographies of Provençal authors, quotations and index of Provençal poems;
fols. 15r-16v: blank;
fol. 17r: list of Provençal words followed by Italian translation (‘Provenzale di Ang[—]’);
fol. 17v: blank;
fols. 25r-27v: Latin grammatical notes.

Material Copy


Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana
Vatican City

Barb. Lat. 3993
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In the ‘Uoci prouenzali usate dal Petr[arca]’, Ubaldini lists Provençal words, followed by references to examples in authors. A source often used by Ubaldini, though not referenced, is Alessandro Tassoni’s Considerazioni sopra le rime del Petrarca (1609): this is the case, for instance, for the two quotations taken from the incipit, ‘guerra’ and ‘via torta’, which are both mentioned in Tassoni, Considerazioni (pp. 347, 469). According to Mezzanotte (1978), three scripts are recognizable: while the first one is unknown, the other two can be attributed to Federico Ubaldini and Gioachino Plà respectively.


Vattasso 1909, 173
Mezzanotte 1978, 468-69