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[Patrizi’s commentary on RVF 1-14, 17-351, 353, 355-366]


Current Location

Biblioteca Casanatense

ms. 50
early-sixteenth century
Mode of exegesis
Related to Petrarch's

RVF 1-14, 17-351, 353, 355-366


Physical Description: Format

215x145 mm; 244 fols.

Physical Description: Textblock

paper; two scripts: humanistic script for Petrarch’s poems and Patrizi’s commentary, sixteenth-century hand for later additions to the ms.; Petrarch’s poems set on left, with commentary distributed across the page beneath them.

Title Page

<inc> A pie di colli oue la bella uesta

Internal Description

fols. 1r-9r: alphabetical index of the first lines of RVF poems (under each letter of the alphabet, poems are listed in order of appearance);
fols. 11r-12r: introductory paragraph to [Francesco Patrizi’s] commentary (<inc> QVANTVNQVE Sia poco c[on]ueniente ala eta mia il pigliare fatica ad declarar[e] lo occulto et ameruso affecto de Francisco Petrarcha Poeta florentino; <exp> Io no[n] recitando opinioni de altri Scriuero simplicem[en]te lo presumer[e] del mio intellecto Rimettendome sempre ala emendatione de V.S.);
fols. 12r-237r: RVF 1-14, 17.7-79.14, 81-82, 80, 83-336, 350, 355, 337-349, 356-365, 351.1, 353, 366 with [Patrizi’s] commentary (<inc of commentary – after RVF 1> Questo sonetto come uniuersalmente tutti costano de dui quaternarij, et de dui te[r]narij: et ueram[en]te consta di duo octonario et uno senario: p[er] ch[e] li dui quaternari han[n]o solam[en]te dui diuersitate de rime finale; <exp of commentary – followed by RVF 366> Ma pur benche la stagion de inuerno sia meno grata ch[e] quella della estate pur lo inuita a pianger[e] seco della morte di quella: della quale la uita li fo tanto soaue);
fol. 237r: colophon: Finis;
Other contens:
initial pastedown: letter by anonymous author to anonymous recipient (<inc> Amic[—] cariss[im]o Anchora ch[e] U[ostra] S[isgnoria] habia non indebitamente p[re]termesso de non farme degno; <exp> cossi come la luna tra le stelle cossi lei tra le piu belle roloceua) followed by scattered words);
fols. 9v-10v: six [of Vittoria Colonna’s] sonnets (‘Sperai ch’el tempo, i, caldi alti desiri’, ‘Mosso d’alta pieta, no[n] moue tardo’, ‘Le tant’opre diuine, el grande impero’, ‘Quanto inuidio al pensier, ch’ al cielo inuio’, ‘Sorga nel pecto mio, pena et dolore’, ‘Hor che pien d’alto sdegno, et pieta grande’);
fol. 237v: [Jacopo Sannazaro’s] sonnet ‘Presago de’ si rara et degna sorte’;
fol. 238r: [Luigi Tansillo’s] sonnet ‘Amor m’inpenna lale, et tanto in alto’;
fols. 238v-244v: twenty-seven [of Vittoria Colonna’s] sonnets (‘Scriuo sol per sfogar linterna doglia’, ‘Per cagion d’un profondo alto pensiero’, ‘Nudriua il cor d’una speranza uiua’, ‘De’ cossi nobil fiam[m]a amor mi cinse’, ‘Alma felice, sel ualor ch’excede’, ‘Quanto di bel natura, al mondo diede’, ‘Quella superba insegna, et quel ardire’, ‘S’ala mia bella fiam[m]a ardente speme’, ‘Alle uictorie tue, mio lume eterno’, ‘O, ch[e] tranquillo mar, che placide onde’, ‘Nel mio bel sol, la uostra aquiale altiera’, ‘Chi puo tronchar, quel laccio, che m’auuinse’, ‘A ch[e] miseria amor, mio stato induce’, ‘Mentre scaldò il mio sol, nostro emisphero’, ‘Dal uiuo fonte, del mio pianto eterno’, ‘Gli altri trophei, le gloriose imprese’, ‘S’appena i spirti, haueano in terra uita’, ‘Le belle opre di enea, superbe et sole’, ‘Prima ne’ chiari, hor ne gli obscuri panni’, ‘Morte col fiero stral, se stesse offese’, ‘Del breue sognio, et dal fragil pensiero’, ‘Occhi mei obscurato, el nostro sole’, ‘Quanti dolci pensieri, alti desiri’, ‘Fiam[m]eggiando uiui, i, lumi chiari’, ‘Quando gia stancho, il mio dolce pensiero’, ‘Hor sei pur giunto à fin, o spirto degno’); final pastedown: sonnet by anonymous author (‘sacro felice aduanturato giorno’).

Material Copy


Biblioteca Casanatense

ms. 50
Copy seen by

Gaps in the sequence of commented RVF poems are due to the loss of a fol. between fols. 20 and 21 and another one between fols. 234 and 235. There is a running header in red ink for each RVF poem.
According to Paolino (1999, 155), this ms. is one of the six manuscript copies of Patrizi’s commentary to RVF. The other copies are: London, British Library, Additional 15654; London, National Art Library (V&A Museum), Forster 48.D.28; Paris, Bibliothèque nationale de France, italien 1024 and italien 1026; Florence, Biblioteca Riccardiana, Ricc. 1141. There is also another ms. containing Patrizi’s commentary: Vatican City, Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana, Barb. Lat. 3937.
All other contents have been penned by a sixteenth-century hand that added sixteenth-century poems and the letter in the fols. originally left blank in the ms.


CPR, 166; Iter, II, 93a, 562a; Ms.Cas, 1, 98-100
Paolino 1999, 161-65