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[Franceschi’s academic lecture on RVF 203]


Current Location

Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale

Magl. IX. 124
sixteenth century (1590-1600)
Mode of exegesis
Related to Petrarch's

RVF 203


Accademia della Crusca, Florence


Physical Description: Format

241x173 mm; 30 fols.

Physical Description: Textblock

paper; sixteenth-century cursive hands; Petrarch’s poems set on left in small blocks, with prose text of the lecture distributed across the page beneath them.

Title Page

‘Del S[igno]r Franc[eschi] Del s[igno]r Lorenzo Franceschi’ (fol. 190r)

Internal Description

fol. 190r: title page: ‘Del S[igno]r Franc[eschi] Del s[igno]r Lorenzo Franceschi’;
fols. 190v-191v: blank;
fols. 192r-218v: Lorenzo Franceschi’s lecture on RVF 203 (<inc> Quel fauoloso Proteo, Ill[ustrissi]mo Sig[no]re, Digniss[im]o Consolo nobilissimi Accad[emi]ci, che per fuggire la forza di coloro, che a predire le future cose, delle quali era ottimo indouino costringer lo uoleano, indiuersi mostri fu da Poeta finto trasformarsi, non senza ragione fù stimato essere stato posto per la menzogna; <exp> e conoscendo ilfauore ch[e] da V[ostra] E[ccellenza] I[o] ho riceuuto in qu[el] giorno, ogni uolta ch[e] mene souuerrà, il ch[e] fia ad ogn’hora, mi reputerò felicissimo d’esser’ à si cortese Signore obligato);
fol. 219r-219v: blank;
Other contents:
fols. 1r-5v: brief description of the imprese of the members of the Accademia degli Alterati;
fols. 6r-7r: list of the members of the Accademia degli Alterati;
fol. 7v: blank;
fols. 8r-11v: second and longer list of the members of the Accademia degli Alterati;
fols. 12r-28r: eleven letters by Giovanni de’ Medici to Giovan Battista Strozzi (blank fols. 13v, 14v, 15v-19v, 21v, 23v-24r, 27v);
fol. 28v: blank;
fol. 29r-29v: Niccolò Sacchetti’s letter to Giovan Battista Strozzi;
fols. 30r-34v: blank;
fols. 35r-44r: Giovan Battista Strozzi’s drafts of letters to Giovanni de’ Medici (blank fol. 35v);
fol. 44v: blank;
fol. 45r: brief list and description of the members of the Accademia degli Alterati;
fols. 45v-47v: blank;
fol. 48r-48v: anonymous academic writing on the concept of order (‘ordine’);
fols. 49r-54v: summary of academic writings addressed to the Accademia degli Alterati;
fol. 54v: blank;
fols. 55r-62v: anonymous draft of a life of Giovanni de’ Medici;
fols. 63r-81v: scattered notes on the literary output, the modes of operation, and the activity of the Accademia degli Alterati (blanks fols. 69v, 80r-80v);
fols. 82r-85v: academic prose on the impresa of the Accademia degli Speziali;
fols. 86r-87r: blank;
fol. 87v: scattered words ‘Impresa de li Spetiali’;
fol. 88r: blank;
fol. 88v: scattered words ‘Molto Mag[nific]o sig[no]r mio oss[eruandissi]mo’;
fols. 89v-91r: second copy of the academic prose on the impresa of the Accademia degli Speziali;
fols. 91v-92v: blank;
fols. 93r-96v: Filippo Sassetti’s Latin dialogue on the topic of priority and nobility (‘precedenza’);
fols. 97r-102vr: Filippo Sassetti’s Latin dialogue between Jupiter and Ganymede;
fols. 102v-106r: blank;
fol. 106v: fol. with the name of the recipient of the previous dialogue ‘Molto Mag[nifi]co s[ignor] Geri Spini oss[eruandissi]mo Pisa’ sealed with wax;
fol. 107r-107v: blank;
fols. 108r-136r: Torquato Malaspina’s treatise on how to write lives for the Accademia degli Alterati (‘Dello scrivere le Vite’);
fols. 136v-139v: blank;
fols. 140r-152v: anonymous series of objections to a collection of poems;
fols. 153r-158r: anonymous letter to Eleonora di Toledo on the practice of letter writing as expounded by Alessandro Piccolomini;
fol. 158v: blank;
fols. 159r-160r: anonymous letter to a friend;
fol. 160v: blank;
fols. 161r-165r: anonymous academic writing with philosophical notes and brief annotations on Dante’s works;
fols. 165v-167v: blank;
fols. 168r-186r: anonymous academic lecture on the doctrine of poetic fury;
fol. 187r-187v: blank;
fols. 188r-189v: discourse on ire;
fols. 220r-254v: anonymous prose writing on contemplative life;
fol. 255r-255v: blank;
fols. 256r-268v: dialogue between Giovan Battista Strozzi and Giovan Battista Vecchietti on writing epic poetry in Italian vernacular (‘Uerseggiare epicamente in italiano’);
fol. 269r-269v: blank;
fols. 270r-277v: Giulio del Bene’s accusation against another academic member (named ‘Rinnouellato’) for having railed at the academy;
fol. 278r-278v: prose writing on the benefit of participating in the public affairs;
fol. 279r-280v: list of chapters of a literary treatise addressed to Giovan Battista Strozzi;
fol. 281r: blank;
fol. 281v: fol. with the name of the recipient of the previous writing (‘All’Ill[ustrissim]o S[igno]r Giouanbatista Strozzi Sig[nor] mio oss[eruand]iss[imo] Roma’);
fols. 282r-283v: scattered poetic lines;
fols. 284r-286v: anonymous note sent to Giovan Battista Strozzi regarding his academic impresa (blank fol. 286r).

Material Copy


Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale

Magl. IX. 124
Copy seen by

Franceschi’s lecture deals with love, and illustrates the ways in which it reveals itself (through the eyes, through behaviour and, eventually, through words). Numerous references are made to Platonic philosophy and to Boccaccio’s works and other Petrarchan texts; in particular Franceschi quotes in its entirety RVF 49 (fols. 210v-211r) and a stanza from RVF 70 (fol. 213r-213v). Franceschi shows some interest in rhetorical figures. A second ms. copy of this lecture is in ms. Magl. VII, 287 of the Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale in Florence. Franceschi’s lecture has been edited in Prose fiorentine II.3 (107-38).
The ms. is made up of 30 quires; on the upper margin of the first fol. of each quire, an annotation provides basic information on its content. These brief notes were composed by Giunio Carbone (1805-1881), who was in charge of the manuscript collection of the Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale of Florence from 1863. In the case of Franceschi’s lecture, Carbone writes ‘N. 23. Lezione di Lorenzo Franceschi sul Sonetto del Petrarca: Lasso ch’i’ ardo ed altri non mel crede. c. 28 più due bianche una in principio e l’altra in fine’ (fol. 190r).
Fol. 24 is followed by an unnumbered fol.; fol. 74 is followed by a smaller rectangular fol. attached to the previous with sealing wax and numbered ‘74bis’.


Iter I, 137b
Prose fiorentine II.3, 107-38