Veneranda Biblioteca Ambrosiana
Rvf and Triumphi
folio; †6,A-H6, a-z6, aa-tt6, u8; [6], 259, [48] fols.
paper; text in italic type; printed numbering; every book of La Fabrica composed of non-alphabetical lists of words related to the main topic of the book (and all inventoried in a paragraph at the beginning of each book); for every word there are synonyms, brief explanations, and some quotations of authorial passages, as well as some formulas and expressions in which the word is used (with related examples of usage); two half-page illuminations, one portrait.
LA FABBRICA DEL MONDO | DI M[ESSER] FRANCESCO ALVNNO | DA FERRARA. | NELLA QVALE SI CONTENGONO TVTTE LE VOCI DI DANTE, DEL PETRARCA, | del Boccaccio, & d’altri buoni autori, con la dichiarazione di quelle, & con le | sue interpretationi Latine, con le quali si ponno scriuendo | isprimere tutti i concetti dell’huomo di qualunque cosa creata. | [rectangular-box illustration with the title (‘La Fabrica del mondo di m[esser] Francesco Alvnno da Ferrara’) in the upper register and a profile portrait of Francesco Alunno in the bottom register] | Con Priuilegio del Sommo Pontefice Paolo III. | Della Sereniss[ima] Signoria di Vinegia, & | dello Illustriss[imo] Duca di Ferrara. | IN VINEGIA M D XLVIII.
†1r: title page;
†1v: sonnet by anonymous author in praise of La fabbrica (‘Chi uuol ueder quante parole mai’);
†2r-†3v: Francesco Alunno’s dedicatory letter to Cosimo I de’ Medici (‘Al magnanimo, et illvstriss[imo] Cosimo de Medici gran dvca di Firenze’);
†4r: Marco Antonio Magno’s address to readers (‘Marco Antonio Magno alli lettori’) followed by Magno’s sonnet in praise of La fabbrica (‘Le pietre de la Fabrica del mondo’);
†4v-†5r: Alunno’s address to readers (‘Alli saggi, et givdiciosi lettori. Francesco Alvnno’);
†5v: Alunno’s dedicatory letter to Sebastiano del Bailo (‘Al svo cvgino Sebastiano del Bailo da Ferrara Francesco Alvnno’);
†6r: paragraph on how to read the work (‘L’Alunno della dechiaratione dell’opera’) followed by list of quoted authors and abbreviations (‘Breuiature dell’opera’);
†6v: blank;
A1r-G2v: alphabetical index of all the words used by Petrarch, Boccaccio, and Dante (‘Indice primo di tvtte le voci vsate dal Petrarca, dal Boccaccio, et da Dante, et ancho d’altri bvoni autori, segnate però con un punto innanzi, poi seguita l’indice secondo de nomi proprij’);
G3r-H5r: alphabetical index of all proper nouns (of both people and places) mentioned by Petrarch, Boccaccio, and Dante (‘Indice secondo de nomi proprii de gli hvomini, et de lvoghi, etc.’);
H5v-H6v: list of errata (‘Errori nella tavola corretti’);
H6v: woodcut of Alunno’s academic impresa;
a1r-b1v: first book (focused on God, ‘Dio’) (‘Della fabrica del mondo di M[esser] Francesco Alunno da Ferrara. Libro Primo’);
a1r-b3r: first book (focused on God, ‘Dio’) (‘Della fabrica del mondo di messer Francesco Alvnno da Ferrara libro Primo’);
b3v-t4r: second book (focused on heaven, ‘Cielo’);
t4v-y1v: third book (focused on the world, ‘Mondo’);
y1v-dd6r: fourth book (focused on natural elements, ‘Elementi’);
dd6v-ff6r: fifth book (focused on the soul, ‘Anima’);
ff6v-kk6r: sixth book (focused on body, ‘Corpo’);
kk6v-nn5r: seventh book (focused on the human beings, ‘Hvomo’);
nn5v-pp2r: eighth book (focused on the species and qualities, ‘Qualità’);
pp2r-rr6r: ninth book (focused on the quantity, ‘Quantità’);
rr6r-ss4r: tenth book (focused on Hell, ‘Inferno’);
ss4r-uu6v: section focused on the grammatical particles (‘Particelle’);
uu7r-uu7v: section focused on the parenthetical clause (‘Parentesi’);
uu7v: register and colophon followed by woodcut of Alunno’s academic impresa: Stampata in Venetia per Nicolo de Bascarini nell’anno del Signore. M. D. XLVI. Regnante lo illustrissimo d[omino] Francisco Donado serenissimo prencipe;
uu8r-uu8v: blank.
Material Copy
Veneranda Biblioteca Ambrosiana
On the title page is a note of possession.