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[RVF 1-103 with Filelfo’s commentary]


Current Location

Bibliothèque nationale de France

italien 80
fifteenth century
Mode of exegesis
Related to Petrarch's

RVF 1-103


Physical Description: Format

389x288 mm; I + 161 + I fols.

Physical Description: Textblock

parchment; humanistic script; each poem or stanza of canzone (in red ink) set on left and followed by commentary (in black ink) distributed across the page beneath it.

Title Page

Comincia il primo libro di sonetti | e canzoni morali dil generos[issimo] | e facundissimo poeta misser Fran | cesco Petrarca col expositione di | Francesco Philelfo

Internal Description

fols. 1r-160v: RVF 1-103 with Filelfo’s commentary (‘Comincia il primo libro di sonetti e canzoni morali dil generos[issimo] e facundissimo poeta misser Francesco Petrarca col expositione di Francesco Philelfo’, <inc of commentary> [V]oi chascoltate. Quantunque il presente sonetto fusse da misser Francesco Petrarca in questa leggiadra et soauissima opra in luogho di prefatione collocato: non fu pero il primo che lui fesse; <exp of commentary> la qual cosa facendo dice che etiandio di po la morte in migliaia danni hara di tale op[er]atione grandissimo honore e fama);
fol. 161r-161v: blank.

Material Copy


Bibliothèque nationale de France

italien 80
Copy seen by

At the bottom of fol. 160v (after the end of commentary on RVF 103, labelled as ‘Sonetto LXXXV’) there is the heading ‘SONETTO LXXXVI’ (i.e. RVF 104), but this sonnet has not been copied.
Occasional marginal annotations by the same hand either point out names mentioned in the commentary or rhetorical features used by Petrarch (and mentioned by Filelfo), or else the literary source of some lines (referred to by Filelfo).


Iter, III, 300b; Marsand, I, 11 (n° 9); Mazzatinti 1886, 10; Pellegrin 1966, 145 (= II, 323)
Bessi 1987; Fera 1981; Marcelli 2015; Rao 1992; Robin 1991