Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale
RVF 128
294x222 mm; 91 (unnumbered) + 162 + I fols.
paper; two scripts: eighteenth-century script (fols. 11-91), and mercantesca (fols. 1-162); poem written as a prose text with a dot at the end of each line, and commentary written in two columns side by side.
<inc> Chominciasi una cha[n]zone morale fatta per[r] messe[r] francescho petrarcha poeta nostro fiorentino defatti ditalia echomincia chosi
fols. 154v-155v: RVF 128;
fols. 155v-162v: Marsili’s exposition of RVF 128 (<inc> Per avere ape[r]ta echiara intelligienza della detta chanzone fatta permesse[r] franciescho pietarcha [sic] poeta fiorentino siuisidera [sic] quello chella dicie isposta edichiarata echiosata pe[r]lo venarabile [sic] religioso maestro luigi demarsilij teologho defrati di santo aghostino in santo spirito nella citta difirenza; <exp> il grorioso [sic] emiserichordioso iddio metta pacie echonchordia petutto ilmondo einnogni [sic] parte eintutti ichuori degli huominj amen amen).
Other contents:
fol. 11r-11v: blank;
fol. 21r: title page (‘II. Boccaccio (Giovanni) Ameto & c. Cod[ice] 17’);
fol. 21v: blank;
fol. 31r: indication of provenance of the ms. (<inc> 1. Ex Bibliotheca Gaddiana>; <exp> Cod. 155. 8 ut supra);
fol. 31v: blank;
fol. 41r: short table of contents of the ms. and new shelfmark of the ms.;
fol. 41v: blank;
fols. 51r-71r: index of the contents of the ms. (‘Operum series’);
fol. 71v: blank;
fol. 81r-81v: index of the contents of the ms. arranged alphabetically according to names of the authors included in the ms. (‘Operum series alpha betica’);
fol. 91r-91v: blank;
fol. 1r: blank with a few unreadable words referring to the title of the first work in the ms.;
fol. 1v: index of the parts of Boccaccio’s Ameto o Commedia delle ninfe fiorentine;
fols. 2r-52r: Boccaccio’s Ameto o Commedia delle ninfe fiorentine;
fols. 52v-53v: blank;
fols. 54r-88v: Bono Giamboni’s Libro di conoscimento e della miseria della vita umana;
fol. 88v: excerpt from an Italian translation of the Revelations (‘Chomincia qui lapochalissa fatta pelo prezioso messe[r] santo giovanni evangielista’, <inc> Lapochalissa digiesu xr[ist]o laquale diede allui dopo lo scivente affare; <exp> eal padre suo a lluy sia gloria nelsechulo desechulj amen);
fol. 89r: excerpt of a translation of an epistle of St. Paul to the Jews (<inc> [ex abrupto] echoviene avoi enonne utile chennoi cichonfidiamo di tutti choloro che vogliono bene; <exp> [c]honpiuta e lapistola della pochalissa mandata pe[r]san paolo appostolo [sic] pe[r]li ebrei liquali liquali [sic] sono della schiatta degliudei defigliuoli disdruel [sic] efinischono lepistole di Sanpaolo amen amen);
fols. 89r-105v: prose work entitled ‘Giardino della consolazione’;
fol. 106r: excerpt of a translation of a Latin oration (‘O preziosa anima di Xr[ist]o santificha me’);
fol. 106r-110r: St. Jerome’s life in Italian;
fols. 110v:113v: blank;
fols. 114r-120v: treatise in Italian ‘Delle sette opera principali della penitenzia’;
fols. 120v-149r: Italian translation of St. Jerome’s epistle to Eustachius by Domenico Cavalca;
fols. 149r-154v: ‘Ammaestramenti del vivere ispiritualme[n]te’;
Material Copy
Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale
In his exposition, Marsili first briefly summarizes the content of Petrarch’s canzone, and then provides a paraphrase of each of the three parts into which he divides the poem. In each section of his work, Marsili repeatedly quotes words and lines from the poem (quotations are either placed between dots or underlined) and then provides them with textual explanations. He often simply rephrases the sense, and sometimes focus on historical or contextual references to which the poem alludes.
After fol. 88, some fols. are missing.
Mazzatinti, VIII, 139-40