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[RVF and Triumphi – with annotations, life, and index]


Current Location

Boston Public Library
Boston, MA
United States

f. Med. 27
fifteenth century
Related to Petrarch's

RVF, Triumphi + Fame Ia


Physical Description: Format

292x213 mm; III1 + X + 107 fols.

Physical Description: Textblock

paper; humanistic script; Petrarch’s poems with one verse per line, with annotations irregularly distributed on the sides, and prose texts.

Title Page

<inc> Appie d[e] colli oue labella vesta (fol. Ir)

Internal Description

fol. I1r: a note on the content of the ms. by an eighteenth-century hand;
fol. I1v: blank;
fol. II1r: title by a sixteenth-century hand (‘Sonetti e rime del Poeta laureato fran[es]co Petrarca scritti a penna’); below are scattered words by various hands;
fol. II1v: blank;
fol. III1r: title by a different sixteenth-century hand (‘Sonetti e rime del Poeta laureato fran[es]co Petrarca scritti a penna’); followed by an ex libris note (‘Ex libris de [⎯] Panz.’);
fol. III1v: blank;
fols. Ir-Vv: alphabetical index of the first lines of RVF poems (under each letter of the alphabet, poems are listed in order of appearance);
fols. VIr-VIIv: blank;
fol. VIIIr: Petrarch’s note on Laura (‘[⎯] manu p[ropri]a francisci petrarche scripta [†††] hac [†]rim[††]’, <inc> Laurea p[ro]prijs v[ir]tutib[us] illustris & meis longum celebrata carminib[us]; <exp> in expectatos exitus acriter ac viriliter cogitant[i]);
fol VIIIr: extract from Petrarch’s Latin letter to Giacomo Colonna (Fam. II.9) (‘hec et [sic] su[n]t v[er]ba i[n] epistola q[u]adam sc[ri]pta ad Jacobu[m] d[e] colu[m]na Bomboriensem ep[isco]pum’, <inc> Quid ergo ais finxisse me mihi spetiosus Laure; <exp> tibi pallor: tibi labor meus notus est. Vale);
fols. VIIIr-Xv: [Pseudo-Antonio da Tempo’s] life of Petrarch (‘Incipit vita francisci petarche poeta laureat[i], <inc> Petrarcho figliuolo di Parenzo cictadino [sic] firentino [sic] disceso dassae antica et honesta famiglia; <exp> uno de sonecti et canzionj et laltro de triumphi: Tre libri in versi cioe Bucolica et le pistole ad Barbatum et laffrica: et septi salmi penitentionali);
fols. 1r-61r: RVF 1-263 with annotations;
fols. 61r-86r: RVF 264-366 (‘Secu[n]da pars de obitu’) with annotations;
fols. 86r: colophon: Expliciu[n]t fragmenta rer[um] uulgariu[m] francisci petrarce poete laureati;
fol. 86v: some Latin lines attributed to Saint Bernardinus (‘versi d[i] petrarca Sa[n]to b[er]na[r]dino’, <inc> Si tibi clara domus si sblendida [sic] mensa q[ui]d inde?; <exp> Si paciens fueris semper laudaberis inde);
fols. 87r-107v: Triumphi with annotations (order: Mortis II, Fame Ia, Amoris II, Amoris I, Amoris III, Amoris IV, Pudicitie, Mortis I, Fame I, Fame II, Fame III.1.8+105-120, Temporis, Eternitatis);
fol. 107v: colophon: deo gratias.

Material Copy


Boston Public Library
Boston, MA
United States

f. Med. 27
Copy seen by

Marginal annotations by a different humanistic hand either provide some historical or context-related explanations on the content of the poems, or give biographical information on the characters mentioned; or else paraphrase some lines, or even provide some parallel passages from Latin or vernacular authors (including Dante). The most annotated texts are Triumphus Amoris I, Amoris III, and Amoris IV.
After fol. 103, a fol. (with Triumphus Fame III.9-104) is missing. It must have been lost before the foliation was added to the ms., because no interruption in the numeration of the fols. occurs.


Dutschke 1986, 71-73 (n. 16); Iter, V, 221a; Ullman 1964, 447 (n. 9)