Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana
Vatican City
Vatican City
RVF, Triumphi + Mortis Ia and Fame Ia
235x146 mm; II’ + XVII + 258 + II fols.
paper (except fols. 10, 91, 100, 141, 148, 150, 152, 153, 155, 160, 161, 173, 175, 178, 180, 181, 188, 229, and 236 in parchment); cursive humanistic script; Petrarch’s poems with one verse per line, with annotations irregularly distributed on the sides, and prose texts; historiated initials.
Vita Francisci petrarche poete laureatj p[er] publiu[m] candidum
fols. Ir-VIIv: another version of the life of Petrarch by Pseudo-Antonio da Tempo [or possibly by Pier Candido Decembrio, see Mezzanotte 1984] with annotations (‘Vita Francisci petrarche poete laureatj p[er] publiu[m] candidum’, <inc> Francesco petrarcha fiore[n]tino p[er] natione nacq[ue] nellan[n]o di questa ultima etade del n[ostr]o signor yh[es]u[s] xr[ist]o m ccc iiii i[n] kale[n]de di agosto di lunedi allaurora i[n] la cittade dareçço doue el padre suo i[n] exilio da la patria p[ro]pria era cacciato; <exp> pur chio ben uiuesse comio parlasse poco mi curaj. Una uentosa glo[r]ia mi parue sempre delsolo sple[n]dore dele parole ce[r]car fama. Queste cose dise stesso francesco petrarcha ala posteritate ha riferite elquale dich[e] ingegno fusse lopere sue el dimostrano ch[e] da noj fidel mente i[n]te[r]petrate [sic] sono);
fols. VIIIr: Petrarch’s note on Laura (‘Inquoda[m] Virgilij uolumine Francisco Petra[r]ce m[u]ltu[m] caro suj manu rep[er]tu[m] fuit hoc m[odo] sc[ri]ptu[m]’, <inc> Laura p[ro]priis virtutib[us] illustris et meis lo[n]gum celebrata carminibus; <exp> i[n] expectatos exitus acriter ac viriliter cogitantj);
fol. VIIIv: blank;
fols. IXr-XIIIv: alphabetical index of the first lines of RVF poems ‘in vita’ (under each letter of the alphabet, poems are listed in order of appearance) (‘Rubrica ouer tabula dellop[er]e di mis[ser] fra[n]cesco petrarca poeta laureato et p[ri]mo come[n]ça la uita vecchia afo[lio] primo’);
fols. XIIIv-XVr: alphabetical index of the first lines of RVF poems ‘in morte’ (under each letter of the alphabet, poems are listed in order of appearance) (‘Tauola ouer rubrica dele ca[n]çon et sonetti d[e] miss[er] francesco petrarca ne la uita noua’);
fols. XVv-XVIr: alphabetical index of the first lines of Simone Serdini’s poems (under each letter of the alphabet, poems are listed in order of appearance) (‘Tauola ouer rubrica dellop[er]e di Simon s[er]dij dasiena et come[n]ça’);
fols. XVIv-XVIIv: alphabetical index of the first lines of Malatesta Malatesti’s poems (under each letter of the alphabet, poems are listed in order of appearance) (‘Tauola ouer rubrica deleop[er]e del signo[r] malatesta dapesaro et come[n]ça’);
fol. 1r-1v: blank;
fols. 2r-99v: RVF 4.9-263 with annotations;
fols. 100r-140v: RVF 264-366 (‘Vita nuoua’) with annotations;
fols. 141r-178r: Triumphi with annotations (‘Triu[m]phi di miss[er] fran[n]cesco petra[r]ca. Triu[m]pho p[ri]mo damore’, order: Amoris I, Amoris III, Amoris IV, Pudicitie, Mortis Ia, Mortis I, Mortis II, Fame Ia, Amoris II, Fame I, Fame II, Fame III, Temporis, Eternitatis);
fol. 178r: three-line Latin epitaph for Petrarch (<inc> Frigida fra[n]cisci lapis hic tegit ossa petra[r]ce), preceded by a title by a later hand (‘Francisci Petrarche Parentij d[e]ll’Arca nobiljs flor[entinu]m [sic] epitaphium’);
fols. 178v-180v: blank;
fols. 256r-258r: certificate of Petrarch’s coronation (‘Copia p[ri]uilegij co[n]cessi d[omino] fra[n]cisco petra[r]ce i[n] eius laureation[e]. rome. 1341’, <inc> Ad ete[r]na[m] rei memoria[m] ursus anguilla[r]ie comes et Jo[r]danus de filijs ursi miles alme Vrbis senatores illustres Vniue[r]sis et singul[ar]is ad q[u]os p[rese]ntes l[itte]re p[er]ueneri[n]t; <exp> poncellettus scriba senat[us] subscripta p[er] me toma[s] q[ui]da[m] ioh[anni]s gregorij dei gra[tias] alme urbis p[re]f[ec]tj aucto[r]itate nota[r]ium et sc[ri]ba[m] sacrj senatus);
fols. 258v: three-line Latin epitaph for Petrarch (<inc> Frigida francisci lapis hic tegit ossa petrarce) and some scattered words by later hands.
Other contents:
fols. 181r-226r: Simone Serdini’s poems (‘Opere uulgari di simon serdinj \ forestani de cittadinj \ da siena’);
fols. 226v-228v: blank;
fols. 229-255v: Malatesta Malatesti’s poems (‘Opere uulgari del magnifico signo[r] malatesta da pesaro’); for further information about these collections of poems, see Vattasso 1909, 149.
Material Copy
Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana
Vatican City
Vatican City
Marginal annotations by different later hands include: paraphrase of some passages of Petrarch’s biography; addition of specific year, when something notable is mentioned in the poet’s biography; addition of some missing lines to the RVF poems; references to Latin sources (e.g., fol. 26r: ‘Ouidius sm [sic] scilicet ultima semp[er] c[on]f[erre]’); information unrelated to Petrarch (e.g., fol. 128r: ‘1447 die 27 ap[r]ilis hora se[con]da noctis aduenie[n]te die uene[r]is 28 obijt d[ominus] aloisius de s[anc]to Seuerino i[n] m[edio]l[an]o du[m] hec sc[ri]berem’); information on the arrangement of the capitoli of the Triumphi (e.g., fols. 153r (about Triumphus Mortis Ia): ‘questo capitoletto ch[e] s[e]c[on]do lopinio[ne] d[e] moltj no[n] fo[r]nj lautor[e] i[n] moltj uolumj no[n] sta i[n] questo luoco ma s[e]c[on]do me et alt[ri] q[ue]sto e suo piu p[ropr]io loco ch[e] altroue’; or 162v (about Triumphus Amoris II): ‘Nota ch[e] q[ue]sto capitulo par meritame[n]te douere star[e] nel triunpho dellamore. il ch[e] p[er] la sente[n]tia desso manifestam[en]te app[ar]e et maxime doue dice No[n] meno ta[n]tj a[r]matj i[n] grecia xerse /qua[n]ti iuj erano amantj nudj et presi’).
Historiated initials for RVF 264 showing Petrarch praying in front of a marble sepulchre close to a broken column and a cracked laurel tree (fol. 100r), every first capitolo of the Triumphi (Amoris I, fol. 141r; Pudicitie, fol. 150r; Mortis, fol. 153v; Fame, fol. 160r; Temporis, fol. 173r; Eternitatis, fol. 175v), Simone Serdini Forestani’s first poem (fol. 181r), and Malatesta Malatesti’s first poem (fol. 229r).
Fol. 1 (where RVF 1-4.1-8 were written) has been presumably lost and substituted with a blank fol.
Vattasso 1909, 147-50; Iter, II, 453a
Bartuschat 2007, 179; Cannata 2001, 408 and 418; Cavedon 1976, 60-62; Godi 1970, 5; Guernelli 2011, 168; Guerrini Ferri 1986, 172; Guerrini Ferri 2006, 181, 199, and 210; Maddalo 2004, 250; Mertens 1988, 236-47; Mezzanotte 1984, 220-22; Pancheri 2008, 67; Trapp 2001, 152.