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[RVF and Triumphi with Pseudo-Antonio da Tempo’s commentary on RVF 1, Sicco’s life of Petrarch, and index]


Current Location

Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana
Vatican City
Vatican City

Reg. Lat. 1110
Related to Petrarch's

RVF, Triumphi + Mortis Ia and Fame Ia


Physical Description: Format

206x128 mm; III + 202 + I fols.

Physical Description: Textblock

parchment; humanistic script; Petrarch’s poems with one verse per line and prose texts; decorated initials.

Visual Elements
Title Page

<inc> A pie de colli oue la

Internal Description

fol. Ir-Iv: blank;
fol. IIr: note of possession by a later hand (‘mi marchantonio chonprai questo petrarcha p[er] doi schudi e mezo’);
fols. IIv-IIIv: blank;
fols. 1r-7v: alphabetical index of the first lines of RVF poems (under each letter of the alphabet, poems are listed in order of appearance);
fol. 7v-8r: an excerpt from Petrarch’s Africa [VI.885-918] (‘Oratio hec in Africa D[omini] F[rancisci] P[etrarcae] & fuit Magonis fratris Hannibalis qui tempore belli punici secundi, dum in ligurib[us] bellum gereret fuit apud genuam vulneratus & in Africa rediens dum esset apud Sardiniam uicinis morti sic loquutus est. Infine VI. libie Africe’);
fol. 8r: colophon: finis;
fol. 8v: blank;
fols. 9r-99r: RVF 1-263, ‘Francisci Petrarcae poetae clarissimi carmen rithimonos [sic] elegicum in Lauram feliciter incipit’;
fols. 99v-148v: RVF 264-366, ‘Que sequuntur post mortem domine lauree scripta sunt. Ita [e]n[im] prop[ri]o codice domini Francisci annotatum est, et carte quatuor pretermisse vacue’;
fol. 148v: colophon: Deo gratias;
fol. 149r-149v: Petrarch’s note on Laura (‘Scriptum manu propria domini F[rancisci] p[etrarcae] in quodam eius Virgilio uisum est’, <inc> Laura propijs [sic] virtutibus illustris et meis longum celebrata carminibus; <exp> i[n] spectatos exitus acriter ac uiriliter cogitanti);
fol. 149v: Dante’s sonnet ‘Molti uolendo dir chi fusse Amore’, above is the note ‘Dantes quid sit Amor’;
fol. 150r-150v: blank;
fols. 151r-189r: Triumphi (‘Amor. D[omini] Francisci petrarce poetae laureate Triumphi sex incipit & primo primum quod de Amore i[n]scribitur’, order: Amoris I, Amoris III, Amoris IV, Amoris II, Pudicitie, Mortis I, Mortis Ia, Mortis II, Fame Ia, Fame I, Fame II, Fame III, Temporis, Eternitatis);
fol. 189r: colophon: Finis. Sit laus christo omnipotenti deo. Fr. Me. Fa. Pe. De. Bond. s[ub]s[cripsi] 1463;
fols. 189v-198r: [Sicco’s] life of Petrarch (‘D[omini] F[rancisci] P[etrarcae] poete clarissimi uita feliciter incipit’, <inc> Franciscus petrarcha florentinus fuit exul namq[ue] patria natus est cuius pater petrus petrarcon. Mater leta appellati sunt; <exp> id tamen est suo ingenio ac diligentia assecutus q[uo]d istis instudiis & sui & superioris temporis omnes ad multos annos quo uis dicendi ingenere superauit);
fol. 198r: [Pseudo-Petrarch’s Versus de Musis] nine-line Latin poem (‘D[omini] F[rancisci] P[etrarcae] nomina musar[um]’, <inc> Primum scire cupit phame dulcedine Clio; <exp> Caliope regina sonat concepta sonore);
fols. 198v-200r: RVF 1 with [Pseudo-Antonio da Tempo’s] commentary (<inc of commentary> Questo sonecto de tutti glialtri seq[ue]nti e p[ro]hemio. como ap[er]tam[en]te si uede. Nel q[ua]le lautor[e] uole[n]do la co[n]tine[n]tia e lo titulo del suo libro explicar[e] como nel p[ri]ncipio dog[ni]op[er]a far si suole i[n]sieme gliagiu[n]gne la excusatio[n]e sua; <exp of commentary> cosi queste mondane uoluptate sono false e uane i[n]aparentia per co[n]templatione de q[ue]lle celeste ch[e] cu[m] lo i[n]telecto del a[n]i[m]o si co[n]te[m]plano);
fol. 200r: a list of the names of the Nymphs and six ages of man (‘Nomina nymphar[um] & p[ro]p[i]etas ear[um]’);
fol. 200v: a list of the names of the Muses (‘Nomina musar[um] & p[ro]p[i]etas ear[um]’), followed by an astronomical diagram of the universe according to the Ptolemaic system, with references to the planets and constellations;
fol. 201r: blank;
fol. 201v: scattered words by a later hand;
fol. 202r: note of possession (by the same hand that wrote the words at fol. 201v) (‘questo libero [sic] si e di mi bortolami[o] caliger a la insegna il corier ipiaza’);
fol. 202v: blank.

Material Copy


Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana
Vatican City
Vatican City

Reg. Lat. 1110
Copy seen by

Decorated initials in gold for RVF 1 (fol. 9r) and every first capitolo of the Triumphi (fols. 151r, 163v, 166r, 176v, 184r, and 186v); at the bottom of fol. 9r is a decoration with a chained book within a wreath.
This ms. is an almost exact copy of Padua, Biblioteca del Seminario Vescovile, 109.
On the relationship between this Vatican ms. and Oxford, Bodleian Library, Canonici Ital. 70, see Mann 1975, 398, n. 1.


Iter, II, 401a; Vattasso 1909, 102-04
Cannata 2001, 405-09; Contò 1998, 105-15; Guerrini Ferri 1986, 71 and 178; Guerrini Ferri 2006, 182, 196, and 210; Mann 1975, 367, 398, 399, 497, and 507; Martellotti 1981, 490; Pancheri 2008, 68; Pulsoni 2007, 59, 63, 64, 67, and 68; Pulsoni 2016.