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[RVF with index]


Current Location

Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale

Pal. 186
fifteenth century
Mode of exegesis
Related to Petrarch's



Physical Description: Format

217x143 mm; V + 202 + III fols.

Physical Description: Textblock

paper; mercantesca; Petrarch’s poems with one verse per line; historiated and decorated initials.

Visual Elements
Title Page

<inc> Incomincia latauola de sonetti del petraccha

Internal Description

fols. 1r-7v: index of the first lines of RVF poems (poems are listed in order of appearance) (‘Incomincia latauola de sonetti del petraccha’);
fol. 7v: colophon: finito latauola desonetti ecançone delpetrarcha. Incomincia latauola delle Cançone didante poeta fiorentino;
fol. 8r: ‘Incomincia latauola delle cançone di dante’, followed by the index of the first lines of Dante’s canzoni in order of appearance;
fols. 8v-10v: blank;
fol. 11r: title (‘Incominciano esonetti ecançoni morali de Messer franc[esc]o petrarcha’);
fols. 11r-167v: RVF;
fol. 167v: colophon: finite sonetti et cançoni dimesser francescho petrarcha amen.


Other contents:
fol. 167v: title (‘Incomincia lecançone morali di dante’);
fols. 167v-193v: Dante’s canzoni distese according to Boccaccio’s ordering (‘Cosi nel mio parlar uoglio essere aspro’, ‘Uoi chentendo [sic] ilterço ciel mouete’, ‘Amor che nella mente miragiona’, ‘Le dolci rime damor chio solia’, ‘Amor chemuoui tua uirtu dalcielo’, ‘Io sento sidamor lagran possança’, ‘Al poco giorno et algran cerchio dombra’, ‘Amor tuuedi ben che questa donna’, ‘Io son uenuto al punto della rota’, ‘Emin crescie dime simala mente’, ‘Poscia chamor del tutto ma lasciato’, ‘La disputata mente che pur mira’, ‘Tre donne intorno alcor mison uenute’, ‘Doglia mirecha nello cor ardire’, and ‘Amor dache conuien purchio midoglia’);
fol. 193v: colophon: finite lecançone morali didante Alighieri da firençe;
fol. 194r-194v: brief introduction to the Italian translation of Cicero’s oration Pro Marcello (‘Incomi[n]cia una oratione che fece Marcho tulio insenato acesare p[er] liberare Marcho marcello’, <inc> Dopo lebataglie ciuili essendo rimaso uincitore della battaglia gaio cesare; <exp> ilquale leuato inpie fe questa oratione);
fols. 194v-202v: Italian translation of Cicero’s oration Pro Marcello (<inc> Allungo silentio padre conscripti ilquale io aquesti giorni passati tempi o usato; <exp> ameriti chetu aueui facto inançi verso dime estato agiunto grandissimo acrescimento);
fol. 202v: colophon: deo gratias amen.

Material Copy


Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale

Pal. 186
Copy seen by

Historiated initial for RVF 1 showing a portrait of Petrarch (fol. 11r); decorated initials for all other RVF poems and every canzone by Dante; at the bottom of fol. 11r is the coat of arms of Vecchietti family, held by two flying cupids; there is a running header (in red ink) for each RVF poem.
At fol. 120r, a blank space has been left between the end of RVF 263 and the beginning of RVF 264 as to signal the beginning of the second part of the Canzoniere. The decoration of the initial for RVF 164 is more elaborate than the others.


Ms.Pal. 1, 196; Prev-Ms.Pal 1, 348