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[Selection of RVF poems and Triumphus Amoris I – with anonymous commentary]


Current Location

Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin

ms. Diez. B Sant. 99
fifteenth / sixteenth century
Mode of exegesis
Related to Petrarch's

RVF, Triumphus Amoris I


Physical Description: Format

190x137 mm; II + 55 fols.

Physical Description: Textblock

paper; mercantesca (fols. 1-19) and humanistic script (fols. 21-55); first lines of RVF poems set on left, followed by commentary distributed next to them in the same line and then across the page beneath them and prose texts.

Title Page

<inc> Voi chascoltate. In p[ri]ncipio diquesta op[er]a side[ue] sape[re] ch[e] mess[er] franc[esc]o fu poeta fiorentino

Internal Description

fol. 1r-18v: extensive selection of RVF 1-330 poems with anonymous commentary (<inc> Voi chascoltate. In p[ri]ncipio diquesta op[er]a side[ue] sape[re] ch[e] mess[er] franc[esc]o fu poeta fiorentino nato ap[re]sso Areço excellentissimo de i[n]zegno; <exp> Quel caro dolce Rito[r]na pur adir del sgua[r]do che[e] life[ce] laura i[n]quella pa[r]tita & parla poi allo i[n]tellecto suo);
fol. 19r: Triumphus Amoris I with anonymous commentary (<inc> Nel tempo La inte[n]tione dellauctore e exaltar laura i[n]questa op[er]a p[er]la castita et fa elp[ri]mo triompho dello amore ch[e] uince li homini & li dei; <exp> Foco ueglo [sic] qua[n]to piu ma in[n]ançi piu accende Livia fu don[n]a de tiberio da cui octauiano se in[n]amoro et ebbela daluj);
fols. 19v-20v: blank;
fols. 21r-28r: Petrarch’s will (‘Francisci petrarche poete laureati testame[n]ti exemplum: q[uo]d ne deperiret ego Nico da dundis ad hordogio huic uolumini ascripsi’; <inc> S[a]epe de eo me animi cogitans de quo nemo nimis pauci satis cogitant de nouissimis scilicet ac de morte, qu[a]e cogitatio neque superflua e[ss]e pot[est], neq[u]e nimium festina; <exp> Ego fra[n]ciscus petrarcha scripsi qui testamentum aliud fecissem si essem diues ut uulgus insanum putat);
fol. 28r: brief paragraph on Petrarch’s testament will (<inc> Ego franciscus rholandelus co[mmun]is taruisii cancellarius; <exp> Anno sal[utis] MccccLxxxvii indic V. Die veneris xii octob[er] Padu[a]e in cancelaria pr[a]edicti M. D. pot.).
Other contents:
fols. 28r-28v: Curio Lancillotto Pasio’s ‘De vera utilitate vitae’ (‘AD REVERENDUM: D[OMINO] ALOYSIUM A GALLO TARVISINUM Cur[ii] lanciloti Pasj Ferrariensis Laureati: De uera utilitate Vitae’; <inc> Quid tibi Clare uirum praeludat grata sonoris; <exp> Haud linquas merito te mea musa Canet);
fol. 29r-33r: Pietro d’Abano’s will (‘Testamentum quondam artium et medicine monarch[a]e ac astrologi[a]e principis d[omi]ni m[a]gist[ri] petri de appano medicin[a]e reconciliatoris p[rese]ntatu[m]’; <inc> INChristi Nomine domini dei eterni. An[n]o eiusdem natiuitatis millesimo trecentesimo; <exp> Ego gerardinus quon[dam] D[omini] fineti deabbano sacri palatij notarius his interfui et iusu [sic] predicti magistri petri hec scripsi);
fols. 33r-34v: Pietro d’Abano’s instrumentum confessionis (‘Copia unius instrumenti confessionis et credulitatis orthodoxe fidei facte per quon[dam] famosissimus artium et medicine ac astrologie monarcham Do[mi]n[u]m magistrum petrum abbano patauum’; <inc> INNomine domini dei eterni Anno eiusdem millio trecentissimo quinto decimo; <exp> ad creationem pontificatus pape sixti olim predictor fratru[m] minor monaci quas ad ip[s]ius inquisitionis pristinu[m] statu[m] reduxit);
fols. 34v-43r: novella by anonymous author on a religious event (‘Una nobilissima commemoratione in laude dela fede nostra’; <inc> Neli anni del nostro signor miss[er] Yh[es]u Xr[ist]o 1308 adi 8 di marzo regnaua el nobilissimo gubernatore di padua miss[er] iacomo da carrara; <exp> et per ta[n]to se chiama elmonte di sancto antonio per aeterna memoria Laus sit Yh[es]u Xr[ist]o);
fols. 43v-51v: blank;
fol. 52v: Tommaso Giunta’s letter to Paolo Ramusio (‘PAVLO RHAMNVSIO THOMAS IVNTA.’; <inc> MItto ad te efflagitatum ab amicis IOVITAE RAPICII praeceptoris tui; <exp> eam ita cum aetate augere velis, vt tuam tuorumq[ue] gloriam amplifices.);
fols. 53r-55r: Giovita Ravizza’s testament (<inc> Monet me vel annus aetatis sextus & septuagesimus: vel diuturnis laboribus tenuatu[m] et imbecille corpus; <exp> Vixit Annos. LXXVII. Menses. VI. Dies. I. Obijt M D LIII. XVII.Calen. Semptemb.);
fol. 55v: blank.

Material Copy


Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin

ms. Diez. B Sant. 99
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The selection from RVF includes the following poems, listed in order of appearance: RVF 1-5, 10-45, 73-78, 80, 82-87, 92-93, 96-99, (28), 105, 107-128, 130-138, 140-142, 146-165, 168-176, 178-181, 183-185, 48-53, 55, 57-59, 186-213, 215-216, 218-226, 229-236, 238, 240-253, 255, 257-265, 271, 280-282, 285, 60-72, 287, 293, 315, 320-321, 325, 328-330. At fol. 6v and at fol. 12r, a few lines are left blank and are followed by another annotation on RVF 28 and by poems RVF 48-53 respectively. At fol. 16v a few lines are left blank after RVF 264 to mark the beginning of the second part of RVF. At fol. 11r, RVF 165 is followed by first line ‘Giochi [sic] di chio cantai’ which may be variant reading of RVF 292 ‘Gli occhi di ch’io parlai sì caldamente’).
The commentary on RVF poems follows a regular pattern: sections of RVF first lines are followed by a brief explanatory text in prose, which ranges from one to around ten lines for select poems. The anonymous commentator presents the content of each poem, focusing on the love story between Laura and Petrarch and on obscure ‘comparationi’, that is, similes and metaphors. Often these notes are introduced by a verb in the third person singular, like ‘parla m[esser] f[rancesco’; ‘dice m[esser] f[rancesco’, ‘fa m[esser] f[rancesco], and so on. Poems that are defined as ‘testuale’ normally receive shorter explanations.


Iter, III, 359b, VI, 492b-493a