New York Public Library
New York City, NY
United States
RVF, Triumphi + Mortis Ia and Fame Ia
229x138 mm; I + 211 + I fols.
parchment; humanistic script; Petrarch’s poems with one verse per line and prose texts; eleven rectangular-box illuminations, six architectural frames, and decorated initials.
Incipit tabula
fol. 1r-1v: blank.
fol. 2r: a short note by a sixteenth-century hand (birth notice of Giovanni Antonio Caracciolo, 12 October 1593);
fol. 2v: blank;
fols. 3r-10r: alphabetical index of the first lines of RVF poems (under each letter of the alphabet, poems are listed in order of appearance) (‘Incipit tabula’);
fol. 10r: colophon: Finis Tabula;
fol. 10v: blank;
fols. 11r-56v: Triumphi (order: Amoris I, Amoris III, Amoris IV, Amoris II, Pudicitie, Mortis Ia, Mortis I, Mortis II, Fame Ia, Fame I, Fame II, Fame III, Temporis, Eternitatis); at the top of each fol. with the beginning of each Triumphus (except Triumphus Temporis) is a rectangular-box illumination representing it: Amoris I (fol. 11r); Pudicitie (fol. 25r), Mortis I (fol. 31r), Fame I (fol. 42r), and Eternitatis (fol. 54r); on the verso of the fol. preceding the beginning of each Triumphus (except Triumphus Amoris and Temporis) there is a rectangular-box illumination (a classical-style epigraph surrounded by an architectural frame): ‘He pace [sic] | inimicitia | che fa | la pudici | cia [sic]’ (fol. 24v), ‘Ognaltro | morte | anegra | sol consi | ensia in | tegra’ (fol. 30v), ‘Sola vir | tu se chi | ama, | che fa per | petua | fama’ (fol. 41v), and ‘Sola vir | tu super | na | da vita in | celo | eterna’ (fol. 53v);
fol. 56v: colophon: Finiunt Triumphi Francisci Petrarche poete;
fols. 57r-61r: [Pseudo-Antonio da Tempo’s] life of Petrarch (‘Incipit Vita Francisci Petrarch[e] Poete laureati’, <inc> Petrarcho figliuolo di Parenzo cittadino firentino [sic] discesce [sic] dassai antica et honesta famiglia; <exp> Uno de sonetti et canzoni: et laltro di triumphi: Tre libri inuersi cio e. Bucolica et lepistole ad Barbatum et Laffrica. Et septe psalmi penitentionali);
fol. 61r: colophon: Finit vita Francisci Petrarche;
fols. 61v-63r: blank;
fol. 63v: a rectangular-box illumination (a classical-style epigraph surrounded by an architectural frame): ‘Ypolito | podico | fa Petrar | cha cupido | De honeste | fianme [sic] | amico’;
fols. 64r: RVF 1; at the top of the fol. there is a rectangular-box illumination showing Petrarch at the fountain of Vaucluse, accompanied by two nymphs or muses playing musical instruments;
fols. 64v-206r: RVF 2-366;
fol. 206r: colophon: Finis libri Francisci Petrarche;
fol. 206v: introduction to Petrarch’s note on Laura (‘Incipiunt dicta quedam reperta | in quodam Virgilio in | Papiensi Biblyothe | ca manu priop[ri]a | Francisci pe | trarche scrip | ta sub hac | forma’);
fol. 207r: Petrarch’s note on Laura (<inc> [L]aurea proprijs uirtutibus illustris et meis longum celebrata carminibus; <exp> in expectatos exitus acriter ac uiriliter cogitanti);
fol. 207r: colophon: Finis;
fol. 207v: extract from Petrarch’s Latin letter to Giacomo Colonna (Fam. II.9) (‘Hec etiam sunt uerba in epistola quadam scrip[ta] ad Iacobum de Colunna Bomboriensem Episcopum’, <inc> Quid ergo ais finxisse me mihi speciosum laure, <exp> tibi pallor: tibi labor meus notus est. Vale);
fols. 208r-209v: blank;
fol. 210r: a note of possession by an eighteenth-century hand (acquisition note by Sir John Peachey in 1785);
fols. 210v-211v: blank.
Material Copy
New York Public Library
New York City, NY
United States
Decorated initials in gold for the beginning of each Triumphus and each subsequent capitolo, each RVF poem, Petrarch’s note on Laura, and the extract from Petrarch’s Latin letter to Giacomo Colonna; at fols. 11r, 25r, 31r, 42r, 54r, and 64r is an architectural frame.
The illuminations have been attributed to Cristoforo Majorana. See Ms.NYPC, 356.
Fols. 49-50 (with Triumphus Fame III.93-121 and Triumphus Eternitatis.1-41) were lost and have been substituted by two other fols. containing the same lines (written by a different later sixteenth-century hand), but without the epigraph preceding Triumphus Temporis and the rectangular-box illumination for Triumphus Temporis.
De Ricci and Wilson 1935-1940, II, 1329; Dutschke 1986, 237-41; Iter, V, 325a; Jasenas 1974, 30; Ms.NYPC, 355-57; Wilkins 1947, 23-35; Ullman 1964, 461
Moakley 1956, 55-69; Trapp 1992-1993, 33