Biblioteca Universitaria
RVF 359, 360, and 366, Triumphi + Fame Ia and Mortis Ia
217x143 mm; II + 61 +III fols.
parchment; humanistic script; Petrarch’s poems with one verse per line; decorated initials.
<inc> Neltempo che renuoua [sic] imie suspiri
fols. Ir-IIr: blank;
fol. IIv: Petrarch’s note on Laura by a later hand (<inc> Laurea [sic] proprijs uirtutib[us] illustris ac meis longu[m] celebra[—]; <exp> Hoc aute[m] ad acerba[m] rei memoria[m] amara quada[m] dulcednie [sic] hoc poctissim[um] loco scriber[e] visum e[st]);
fol. IIv: note on Petrarch’s death by the same later hand (‘Lo eloquentissimo poeta meser Francesco petrarcha mori in etate de Lxx anni nel mille ccclxxiiii adi xviiij deluglio: ad arquata in monte euoanei [sic] delongu da padoa migliaia dece’);
fols. 1r-35v: Triumphi (order: Amoris I, Amoris III, Amoris IV, Pudicitie, Mortis I, Mortis Ia, Mortis II, Fame Ia, Amoris II, Fame I, Fame II, Fame III, Temporis, Eternitatis);
fol. 35v: colophon: Amen. Finis;
fols. 36r-39r: RVF 359 and 366;
fols. 59v-60v: RVF 360.1-53 by a later different hand
Other contents:
fols. 39v-59v: fourteen canzoni by Dante (‘Cosi nel mio parlar uoglio[e]s[se]r aspro’, ‘Uoi ch[e]ntende[n]do elte[r]zo ciel mouete’, ‘Amor che nella mente me ragiona’, ‘Le dolci rime damor chi solea’, ‘Amor che muouj tuo [sic] uertu dacielo’, ‘Io sento si damor lagran possanza’, ‘Alpoco giorno & algran cerchi [sic] dombra’, ‘Amor tu uidi ben che questa donna’, ‘Io son uenuto alponto della rota’, ‘Emin cresce deme si malame[n]te’, ‘Poscia chamor deltucto ma lasciato’, ‘Dogla mi recha nello core ardire’, ‘La despectata mente che pur mi[r]a’, and ‘Amor daque conuie[n] purchio midogla’);
fol. 61r: a sonnet by anonymous author, ‘Dhe di[m]me cor mio non mio ma di colei’, and [Gregorio Roverbella’s] sonnet ‘Doue ne uai o miser tristo core’;
fol. 61v: blank;
fol. Ir-Iv: index of the contents of the ms. by a seventeenth-/eighteenth-century hand;
fol. IIr: another shorter index of the contents of the ms. by a different hand;
fol. IIv-IIIv: blank.
Material Copy
Biblioteca Universitaria
Occasional marginal annotations by the same hand and two other different hands either refer to names of characters mentioned in the poems, or provide short historical explanations of some characters, or else point out who is speaking in the poems; some maniculae and some passages highlighted by vertical strokes close to the end of the lines.
Decorated initial in gold for Triumphus Amoris I (fol. 1r); at the top and the bottom of fol. 1r are two coats of arms, each within a wreath and surrounded by two cupids.
CPR, 9; Mazzatinti, XXIII, 116-17