Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale
Triumphus Amoris I, Amoris III, Amoris IV, Pudicitie, Mortis Ia, Mortis I, Mortis II, Fame Ia
228x163 mm; II + 151 + II fols.
paper; round humanistic script; commentary in prose with single lines or small sections of Petrarch’s poems (in red ink) set within it.
<inc> Incomincia ilibro chiamato triumpho damore facto & composto dallo excellentissimo & sommo poeta Messer Francesco petrarcha dafirenze per amor di sua innamorata madonna laura
fol. Ir: blank;
fol. Iv: Antonius Pellotus Ribaldus’s eight-line Latin epigram by a later hand (<inc> Iura Fluentinae Praetor dabat inclitus Vrbi; <exp> extinctum nomenest in vtraq[ue] sacrum);
fol. IIr-IIv: scattered words and numbers by a different hand;
fol. 1r: Pseudo-Filelfo’s preface to his commentary (<inc> Incomincia ilibro chiamato triumpho damore facto & composto dallo excellentissimo & sommo poeta Messer Francesco petrarcha dafirenze per amor di sua innamorata madonna laura; <exp> sottomectendosi inquella cosa piu amo mentre visse);
fols. 1r-151v: Triumphus Amoris I, III.1-108, IV.13-101, Pudicitie, Mortis Ia+I.19-120, Mortis II, Fame Ia.1-59 with Pseudo-Filelfo’s commentary (<inc> [L]oprimo triumpho o uero felicita fu in auere possessione o uero contentamento in amor di sua donna innamorata; <exp> dequali disopra e dichiarato facti per uirtu darme gra[n]di & gentili cioe costoro uidio);
fol. Ir: scattered numbers by a different hand;
fol. Iv: list of letters of the alphabet, Aeneid I. 198-201, and some Latin words by a later hand.
Material Copy
Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale
Occasional marginal annotations by two hands: 1 in the same hand add some missing words to the commentary; 2 in a seventeenth-century hand pen additional verses drawn from Petrarch and a note of possession (at fol. 89v: ‘Dionisus de Gabbricellis filis [sic] de Marmis fect [sic] in dicis [sic] di luglio 1631’).
Mazzatinti, XIII, 56-57