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Petrarcha con doi commenti sopra li sonetti et canzone


Place of Publication


Date of Publication
Related to Petrarch's

RVF, Triumphi


Physical Description: Format

4°; A-P8, a4, A8, AA-QQ8, RR12; CXVIII, [14], CXL fols.

Physical Description: Textblock

paper; Petrarch’s poems and commentary in roman type; printed numbering; some of Petrarch’s poems set on left (or right) in small block, with commentary distributed on three sides; some other of Petrarch’s poems set on left in a sequence of blocks, with commentary distributed in single column on right; some other ones set on both left and right in two horizontally aligned blocks, with commentary distributed across the page beneath each set of two blocks; six full-page woodcuts.

Visual Elements
Title Page

PETRARCHA CON DOI COM | MENTI SOPRA LI SO | NETTI ET CAN | ZONE || EL PRIMO DEL INGENIOSISSI | MO MISSER FRANCESCO | PHILELPHO || LALTRO DEL SAPIENTISSIMO | MISSER ANTONIO DA TEM | PO NOVAMENTE | ADDITO || AC ETIAM COM LO COMMENTO | del Eximio Misser Nicolo Peranzone, | ouero Riccio Marchesiano | sopra li Triumphi, con | infinite noue acute | & excellente ex | positione

Internal Description

First part
A1v: Pseudo-Antonio da Tempo’s prologue to his commentary, addressed to Federico Gonzaga;
A1v-A2v: Pseudo-Antonio da Tempo’s life of Petrarch;
A2v: Filelfo’s dedicatory lette to Filippo Maria Visconti;
A3r-P5v: RVF with commentaries by Filelfo and Pseudo-Antonio da Tempo. From RVF 136 onwards, Filelfo’s commentary is replaced by that by Girolamo Squarciafico. This is not signalled in the text, but in the colophon at P7r (see below). Up to sonnet 10, printed historiated initials mark the beginning of both commentaries for each new poem; following sonnet 10, a few words in capital letters signal the beginning of both commentaries; P5v-P7r: Petrarch’s dispersa ‘Quel ch’ha nostra natura in sé più degno’;
P7r: register and colophon: Finisse li sonetti & canzone de Misser Francesco Petrarcha ben corretti per Nicolo Peranzone altramente Riccio Marchesiano: liquali sonetti incominciando dal principio insino al sonetto Fiamma dal ciel su le tue trezze pioua: sono exposti per el degno poeta Misser Francesco Philelpho & da li indrio insino qui sono exposti per il spectabile Misser Hieronymo Squarciafico Alexa[n]drino. Et etiam tutti li ditti sonetti sono exposti per lo Esimio Misser Antonio da Tempo. Stampadi in Tridino per il No[stro] Misser Bernardino Stagnino al[ia]s de Ferrarijs. Mcccccxxij die viij Mensis Martij;
P7v-P8v: blank;
Second part
a1r-a4r: index of notable matters for RVF;
a4v-A1v: blank;
A2r-A6v: index of notable matters for the Triumphi;
A6v: Ilicino’s dedicatory letter to Borso d’Este;
A6v-A8r: prologue of Ilicino’s commentary;
A8v-RR10r: Triumphi with Ilicino’s commentary; each triumph is preceded by a full-page woodcut: Triumphus Amoris (A8v), Pudicitie (EE5v), Mortis (GG1v), Fame (II2v), Temporis (QQ1v), Eternitatis (RR3r). At II2r, before the Triumphus Fame I is a short Latin text, shaped as a sandclock, entitled ‘De quodam qui propter gloriam incendere voluit templum Dianae’;
RR10r: register and colophon: Finit Petrarcha nup[er] summa diligentia correcto. Impressum Venetijs p[er] d[omi]n[u]m Bernardinu[m] Stagninu[m] alias de Ferrarijs de Tridino Mo[n]tisferrati. Anno d[omi]ni MDXXII die xxviij Martij. Regna[n]te il serenissimo principe Misser Antonio Grimano;
RR10v: blank.

Copy Seen

Digitized copy
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In the digital copy (Munich, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek), a handwritten marginal annotation states ‘per gl’intagli | vedi pagina I dalla seconda parte | [vedi pagina] XXXVIII [dalla seconda parte] | [vedi pagina] L [dalla seconda parte] | [vedi pagina] LXVII [dalla seconda parte] | [vedi pagina] CXXII [dalla seconda parte] | [vedi pagina] CXXXI [dalla seconda parte]’ (at fol. RR11r).