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Iacobi Philippi Tomasini Petrarcha redivivus


Place of Publication


Date of Publication
Mode of exegesis
Related to Petrarch's

RVF, Triumphi



Physical Description: Format

4°; [*]4, **4, A-N8, O-Z4; [16], 270 pp.

Physical Description: Textblock

paper; texts in roman type; printed numbering; 3 portraits, 2 maps, and 15 engravings (14 full-page ones and 1 rectangular-box one)

Title Page

IACOBII PHILIPPI | TOMASINI PATAVINI| EPISCOPI AEMONIENSIS | PETRARCHA | REDIVIVVS, | Integram Poetae celeberrimi Vitam Iconibus aere | caelatis exhibens. | Accessit Nobilissimae Feminae | LAVRAE | BREVIS HISTORIA. | Editio altera correcta & aucta. | Cui addita Poetae Vita |PAVLO VERGERIO, ANONYMO, IANNOZZO. | MANETTO, LEONARDO ARETINO, | ET LUDOVICO BECCADELLO | Auctoribus. | Item, V. C. FORTUNII LICETI ad Epist. TOMASINI | de Petrarchae cognominis ortographia Responsum. || PATAVII, M D C L | Typis Pauli Frambotti Bibliopolae. | Superiorum permissu.

Internal Description

[*]1r: full-page engraving of Laura standing close to an altar on which is engraved ‘Iac. Philippi Tomasini Petrarcha Redivivus Laura comite’;
[*]1v: blank;
[*]2r: title page;
[*]2v: blank;
[*]3r-[*]4r: Paolo Frambotto’s dedicatory letter in Latin to Deidamia Gambara (‘Illustrissimae Dominae D. Deidamiae Gambarae, Virolae Toparchae, Sanguineti comiti & c. Natalium ac Virtutum splendore Nobilissimae’);
[*]4v-**1r: Latin address to readers (‘Lectori benevolo’);
**1v-**2r: Lorenzo Pignorio’s Latin praise of Tomasini’s work (‘Laurentius Pignorius Iacobo Philippo Tomasino Canonico S. Mariae in Vantio, & Coenobiarchae, Viro admodum Reuerendo’);
**2v-**3r: two Latin poems [by Lorenzo Pignorio] in praise of Tomasini (‘Ad autorem’, <inc> Decora nympha, prescius Daphnes suae; and ‘Ad eundem’, <inc> Cui Patriam invidit variae discordia gentis);
**3v-**4r: table of contents (‘Index capitulum’);
**4v: full-page engraving of a portrait of Petrarch;
A1r-A1v: Tomasini’s preface to his Latin life of Petrarch (‘Francisci Petrarchae Vita. Praeloquium’);
A2r-A4v: first chapter of Tomasini’s life of Petrarch, devoted to the poet’s nationality, birth, and parents (‘Poetae patria, natales, parentes’);
A4v-A6r: second chapter on the poet’s body and habits (‘Constitutio corporis, et mores animi’);
A6r-A8v: third chapter on the poet’s studies (‘Educatio, et studia’);
A8v-B2r: fourth chapter on the poet’s talents (‘Ingenii praestantia’);
B2r-B3v: fifth chapter on the poet’s eloquence and poetry (‘Eloquentia & poesis’);
B3v-B7r: sixth chapter on the poet’s works (‘Egregia ngenii [sic] monumenta’);
B7r-C1v: seventh chapter on the poet’s manuscripts housed in the Vatican library (‘Francisci Petrarchae Opera m[anus]s[cripta] quae asseruantur in Bibliotheca Vaticana’);
C2r-C3v: eighth chapter on the poet’s biographers and commentators (‘Census eorum, qui vatis nostri vitam consripserunt, quive eiusdem opera commentariis illustrarunt’);
C4r-C6r: ninth chapter on the assertions of his rights (‘Vindiciae tutelares’);
C6r-D3v: tenth chapter on the poet’s coronation (‘Honores, et inprimis laurea ex poesi parta’);
D3v-D5v: eleventh [wrongly printed as twelfth] chapter on the poet’s relations with other literati (‘Necessitudo cum literatis’);
D6r-E2v: twelfth chapter on the poet’s appreciation among his contemporaries (‘Existimatio apud principes et alios’);
E2v-E5r: thirteenth chapter on the poet’s relation with the Republic of Venice (‘Ser[enissimae] Reip[ublicae] Venetae affectus in fidem et obsequium poetae’);
E5v: full-page engraving of Vaucluse;
E6r-F1r: fourteenth chapter on the poet’s life in Vaucluse (‘Poetae secessus in Vallem Clausam’);
F1r-F4v: fifteenth chapter on the poet’s love for Laura (‘Affectus in Lauram’);
F4v: rectangular-box engraving of Laura’s portrait;
F5r-G5r: sixteenth chapter on Laura’s life and praises (‘Laurae Petrarchae vita, et encomia’); at fol. G2r is a small rectangular-box engraving of a coin with Laura’s effigy;
G5v: different full-page portrait of Laura;
G6r-G6v: seventeenth chapter on the portrait of Laura (‘Laurae de sado effigies’);
G6v-G8v: eighteenth chapter on the poet Giustina Levi Perotti’s admiration for the poet (‘Iustinae Levi Perottae cultus in Petrarcham’);
G8v-H2r: nineteenth [wrongly printed as eighteenth] chapter on the poet’s time in Milan and Parma (‘De solitudine mediolanensi, et parmensi’);
H2v-I1v: twentieth [wrongly printed as nineteenth] chapter on the poet’s house in Arquà (‘Arquadae collis vicus, et Petrarchae domicilium’); within this section are 6 full-page engravings: a map of Arquà (H5r), Arqua’s spring (H5v), a planimetry of Petrarch’s house (H6r), Petrarch’s chair (H8v), a piece of furniture of Petrarch’s house (I1r), and the funerary monument of Petrarch’s cat (I1v);
I2r-I7v: twenty-first [wrongly printed as twentieth] chapter on the frescos painted in the poet’s house (‘Mythologia iconum eodem spectantium’); within this section are 6 full-page engravings: a landscape (I3r), a portrait of Petrarch (metamorphosing into a Laurel tree) and Laura (I4r), Petrarch (as Acteon) seeing a woman bathing in a pond (I5r), Petrarch pointing to a swan (I5v), Petrarch talking to Laura (I6v), and Laura taking Petrarch’s heart from his chest (I7r);
I7v-K1r: twenty-second chapter on posterity (‘Posteritas’);
K1r-K2v: twenty-third [wrongly printed as twenty-second] chapter on the poet’s compassion (‘Summa vatis pietas’);
K3r-K8r: twenty-fourth [wrongly printed as twenty-third] chapter on the poet’s old age, death, and funeral (‘Senectus, obitus, et funus’); at fol. K7r is a full-page engraving of Petrarch’s tomb;
K8v-L4v: twenty-fifth [wrongly printed as twenty-fourth] chapter on the monuments and literary works in praise of the poet (‘Monumenta Petrarchae vivo et defuncto posita, elogia eidem a viris claris concinnata’); at fol. L1r is a full-page engraving of a coin with Petrarch’s effigy on one side, and Laura on the other;
L4v-L6v: twenty-sixth [wrongly printed as twenty-fifth] and final chapter on the poet’s violated sepulcher (‘Divini vatis sepulchri violati historia’);
L7r: title-page (‘FRANCISCI PETRARCHAE | VITA | PAVLO VERGERIO | ANONYMO | IANOZZO MANETTO | LEONARDO ARETINO |. LVDOVICO BECCATELLO [sic]| AVCTORIBUS | E Manuscriptis nunc primum in lucem emissa | IACOBI PHILIPPI | TOMASINI | OPERA. | Accessit eiusdem, Epistola |. DE PETRARCHAE Orthographia’);
L7v: blank;
L8r-M4v: Paolo Vergerio’s Latin life of Petrarch (‘Petrarchae vita Paulo Vergerio auctore’);
M5r-N1v: anonymous (but Sicco Polenton’s) Latin life of Petrarch (‘F[rancisci] P[etrarchae] poetae clariss[imi] vita feliciter incipit auctoris incerti Anno 1463’);
N2r-N7v: Giannozzo Manetti’s Latin life of Petrarch (‘Francisci Petrarchae illustris poetae vita secundum Iannozzum Manettum incipit foeliciter’);
N8r-O2v: Leonardo Bruni’s life of Petrarch (‘Comincia la vita di Missier [sic] Francesco Petrarcha di Leonardo Aretino’);
O3r-S1r: Ludovico Beccadelli’s life of Petrarch (‘Vita del Petrarcha scritta da Ludovico Beccadello arcivescovo di Ragusa dal Signor Antonio Gigante da Fossombrone’);
S1r: Boccaccio’s sonnet ‘Hor se salito caro signor mio’ (‘Sonetto di M[esser] Giouanni Boccaccio in morte di M[esser] Francesco Petrarca’);
S1v: Petrarch’s note on Laura (‘Memorabilia quaedam de Laura, manu propria Francisci Petrarcae scripta in quodam Codice Virgilii in Papiensi Bibliotheca reperto’);
S1v-S2r: brief Latin excerpt from Petrarch’s Secretum (‘Ex Colloquio tertii diei’, <inc> Si vero paucorum numerus annorum’; <exp> quod illa mecum senescit);
S2r: anonymous sonnet ‘Qui giaccion quelle caste et felici ossa’ (‘Sonetto ritrouato nella sepoltura di Madonna Laura in Auignone del 1533’), supposedly found in Laura’s grave;
S2r-S2v: Petrarch’s metrical epistle on the death of his mother (‘Carmina Petrarce in funere electe matris’, <inc> Suscipe funereum genetrix sanctisima, cantum);
S2v-S3r: brief Latin passage from p. 407 of Antonio Possevino’s Doctoris Antonii Posseuini iunioris philosophi, et medici Mantouani Gonzaga. Calci operis addita Genealogia totius familiae [Mantua: Osanna, 1628] (‘Antonius Posseuinus iunior Gonzagae lib. 4 pag. 407 sic habet’, <inc> Nec liberalium artium gloriam abiecit; <exp> Vale. Auinione. Salutis 1369. 12 Cal. April.);
S3v-S4v: Tomasini’s work on the spelling of Petrarch’s name (‘De Petrarchae ortographia. Perillustri ac Eruditissimo Viro Fortunio Liceto, in celeberrimo Gym[nasio] Bono[niense] Professori Eminenti Iacobus Philippus Tomasinus Aemoniae Praesul. S. P.’);
T1r-X3v: Fortunio Liceto’s reply to Tomasini (‘Illustrissimo & Reuerendissimo Aemoniae Praesuli Iacobo Philippo Tomasino Fortunius Licetus B. A.’);
X4r-Y4r: alphabetical index of names mentioned in the work (‘Syllabus nominum, quae hoc in opera memorantur’);
Y4v-Z3v: alphabetical index of notable matters and words mentioned in the work (‘Index rerum, et verborum memorabilium’);
Z3v: colophon: Finis;
Z4r: list of errata (‘Errata grauiora sic restituantur’);
Z4v: blank.

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British Library
United Kingdom

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In each chapter of his life, Tomasini includes some quotations from Petrarch’s both Latin and vernacular works (in either prose or verse), as well as some other authors’ works (e.g., epitaphs, orations, sonnets).


Feo 2003; Trapp 2001