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[RVF and Triumphi – with index]


Current Location

Biblioteca Riccardiana

Ricc. 1127
fifteenth century (1417)
Mode of exegesis
Related to Petrarch's

RVF, Triumphi + Fame Ia, Mortis Ia


Physical Description: Format

210x140 mm; III + 207 + II fols.

Physical Description: Textblock

paper; mercantesca; Petrarch’s poems with one verse per line.

Title Page

<inc> A pie decolli oue labella uesta

Internal Description

fol. IIIr: title page penned by a later hand: ‘Rime del Petrarca e di Dante’;
fol. IIIv: blank;
fols. 1r-7r: alphabetical index of the first lines of RVF poems (under each letter of the alphabet, poems are listed in order of appearance);
fols. 7v-9v: blank;
fols. 10r-136r: RVF with additional dispersa ‘Onna [sic] miuiene spesso nella mente’ at fol. 55r;
fol. 136r: colophon: amen amen amen amen amen amen;
fol. 136v: two of [Alberto degli Albizzi’s] sonnets wrongly attributed to Petrarch as part of the RVF: ‘Partir non sipuol core nesa neuole’, ‘Che fortuna e lamia che debbio fare’;
fol. 136v: colophon: Qui finisce itrionfi e sonecti e cançone delpetrarcha finiti di scriuere p[er]me amato lanaiuolo questo di xv digiugno Mccccxvii;
fols. 137r-139v: blank;
fols. 140r-174r: Triumphi (order: Mortis II, Fame Ia, Amoris II, Amoris I, Amoris III, Amoris IV, Pudicitie, Mortis Ia, Mortis I, Fame I, Fame II, Fame III, Temporis, Eternitatis);
fols. 174v-179v: blank;
Other contents:
fols. 180r-206v: twenty-five of Dante’s poems (canzoni ‘dOnne chauete intellecto damore’, ‘dOnna pietosa etdinouella etate’, ‘gLiocchi dolenti p[er] pieta delcore’, sonnet ‘o Voi che p[er]lla uia damor passate’, ballad ‘bAllata io uo che turitroui amore’, sonnet ‘Spesse fiate uegnono alla mente’, sonnet ‘aMore elcor gentile sono una cosa’, canzone ‘QVantuque [sic] uolte lasso mi rimembra’, sonnets ‘eRa uenuta nella mente mia’, ‘dE peregrini che pensosi andate’, ‘oLtrelaspera che piu larga gira’, canzoni ‘cOsi nelmio parlare voglio esser aspro’, ‘VOi chentendendo ilterço ciel mouete’, ‘AMor chenella mente miragiona’, ‘LE dolci rime damor chisolea’ 1-108 (in the margins and at the bottom of the fol. a later cursive hand added lines after 1-96), ‘aMor che muoui tuauirtu dalcielo’, ‘iO sento si damor lagran possança’, ‘iL [sic] poco giornno [sic] et al gran ciercho dombra’, ‘aMor tu uedi ben chequesta donna’, ‘iOson uenuto alpunto della rota’, ‘[†] Mincresce dime simalam[m]ente [sic]’, ‘pOscia chamor deltutto ma lasciato’, ‘lAdispiatata mente che pur mira’, ‘tRe donne intornno [sic] alcor mison uenute’, ‘dOglia mirecha nello chore ardire’, ‘aMor dache conuien pur chio midoglia’);
fol. 207r: blank;
fol. 207v: word ‘amantissimo’ copied five times in single central column.

Material Copy


Biblioteca Riccardiana

Ricc. 1127
Copy seen by

For most poems, the copyist left a blank space for the decorated initials, either inserting a lower case letter followed by a capital letter or leaving it blank.


CPR, 100-01; Datati, III, 15; Ms. Ricc, 158-59; Ms. Ricc 2, 26