Biblioteca Riccardiana
RVF, Triumphi + Fame Ia, Mortis Ia
224x145 mm; III + 195 + III fols.
parchment; humanistic script; Petrarch’s poems with one verse per line and prose text; one architectural frame; decorated initials.
fol. IIr: title page penned by a later hand: ‘Canzoniere e Trionfi del Petrarca. e Vita del detto Poeta scritta da Lionardo Aretino’;
fols. IIv-IIIv: blank;
fols. 1r-7v: alphabetical index of the first lines of RVF poems (under each letter of the alphabet, poems are listed in order of appearance) (‘TABVLA’);
fol. 8r: index of the first lines of the capitoli of the Triumphi in order of appearance;
fol. 8r: colophon: FINIS;
fols. 8v-9v: blank;
fols. 10r-149r: RVF with additional dispersa ‘DONNA mi uene spesso nella mente’ at fol. 60r (‘FRANCISCI PETRARCE FLORENTINI POETAE EXCELLENTISS[IMI] SONETTORVM ET CANTILENARVM LIBER INCIPIT’);
fol. 149r: colophon: τελωc [sic];
fol. 149v: blank;
fols. 150r-187v: Triumphi (‘FRANCISCI PETRARCAE POETE CLARISSIMI TRIVMPHORVM SEX LIBER INCIPIT’; order: Amoris I, Amoris III, Amoris IV, Amoris II, Pudicitie, Mortis Ia, Mortis I, Mortis II, Fame Ia, Fame I, Fame II, Fame III, Temporis, Eternitatis);
fol. 187v: colophon: [A]N[TONIUS] DE. BALDINOCTIS F[ECIT];
fols. 188r-193v: Bruni’s life of Petrarch (‘FRANCISCI PETRARCE POETAE CL[ARISSIMI] VITA PER LEONARDVM ARRETINVM’; <inc> FRANCESCHO petrarca huomo digrande ingegno & non di minore uirtu; <exp> Essere ilpetrarca insignito dicorona poetica & no[n] dante niente inporta aquesta comparatione, pero che molto e dastimare piu ilmeritare corona che auerla riceuuta, maxime perche lauirtu e certa & la corona taluolta per lieue iudicio cosi achi merita come a chi non merita dare sipuote);
fol. 194r: scattered words: ‘el sompno a’;
fol. 194v: scattered words: ‘amiamo qu’;
fol. 195r: blank;
fol. 195v: ‘quest [sic] libero [sic] e dimano’.
Material Copy
Biblioteca Riccardiana
Next to the lines of the Triumphi, Baldinotti lists the names of the historical and mythological figures mentioned by Petrarch.
Fol. 1r has a rich architectural frame with white vine-stem decoration; at the bottom are two cupids and the coat of arms of the Baldinotti family. Fol. 150r has a three-border architectural frame with white vine-stem decoration and animals. According to Manus (link), Bartolomeo di Antonio Varnucci or his school are responsible for the decorations.
Initials in gold with vine-stem decoration for RVF 1 (10r), Triumphi (fols. 162v, 166r, 172v, 182v, 185r), and Bruni’s life of Petrarch (fol. 188r). Initials in coloured square for all RVF poems and capitoli of the Triumphi.
CPR, 101; Datati, III, 49-50; Ms. Ricc, 159-60; Ms.Ricc 2, 26
De la Mare 1985a, I, 446; Hankins 1997, 71; Wilkins 1951, 231