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[RVF and Triumphi – with annotations and index]


Current Location

Biblioteca Nazionale

XIII. C 34
fifteenth century (1419)
Related to Petrarch's

RVF, Triumphi + Mortis Ia, Fame Ia


Physical Description: Format

261x179 mm, I + 179 + I fols.

Physical Description: Textblock

parchment; two scripts: humanistic script that pens main text and annotations and a later cursive hand that pens most other parts; Petrarch’s poems with one verse per line with annotations distributed in single column on right; two architectural frames; decorated letters.

Visual Elements
Title Page

<inc> Apiei decolli oue labella uesta (fol. 2v)

Internal Description

fols. 2v-7r: alphabetical index of the first lines of RVF poems with metre specified (under each letter of the alphabet, poems are listed in order of appearance);
fols. 8r-105r: RVF 1-263 with annotations;
fols. 105v-143v: RVF 264-366 with annotations;
fol. 143v: colophon: Amen;
fols. 144r-177v: Triumphi with annotations (order: Amoris I, Amoris III, Amoris IV, Amoris II, Pudicitie, Mortis Ia + Mortis I.4-172, Mortis II, Fame Ia, Fame II, Fame III.1-120, Temporis, Eternitatis);
fol. 177v: colophon: Deo gratias. amen;
followed by a note of possession: Iste liber est mei ALBERTI depijs que scripsi [—] demense augusti millesimo quadrigentesimo decimo ottavo et complevi i[n] millesimo quad[—]tesimo decimo nono anno demese ma[—]iy’;
Other contents:
fol. 1v: sonnet by anonymous author (‘Solea per tempo piu ne[—] primi anni’) followed by a barely legible love poem and by scattered words penned by a later hand;
fol. 2r: sonnet by anonymous author dedicated to Paola Barro (‘DIVA[E] PAVLA[E] BARVS DIVA[E] PAVLA[E] BARRVS’, <inc> Quando io comando alla mia man che scriue) penned out by a later hand followed by a colophon by the main hand: Este liber est comune per ili qui p[†]atunarus est hic FINES Manu mea [†]S);
fol. 7v: sonnet by anonymous author (‘Luce del cielo Radiante et bella’) followed by dedication to Lucia from Ferrara: ‘Actum p[er] domina Lucia ferrariensi diua pudica q[uae] decora denique omnium mulier[um]’ penned by the main copyist;
fol. 178r: sonnet by anonymous author (‘Non ti sdegnar Lector s’io son scorecto’) penned by another hand;
fol. 178v: sonnet attributed to Petrucci (by another hand) and sent to Antonio (‘sonecto mandato a mess[er] antonio da [—] \ petruccii \ nel tempo ch[e] la sua mano [—] pericolo di morte’) followed by sonnet by anonymous author (‘In qual parte drizar mei passi omai’);
fol. 179r: three scattered Latin maxims on time followed by a sonnet attributed to Carlo Nuvoloni (‘Carolus de nuuolonibus p[er] diua R[—]’; <inc> Per che lontan da uoi madonna sia’).

Material Copy


Biblioteca Nazionale

XIII. C 34
Copy seen by

Next to the lines of RVF poems is a series of annotations penned by the same hand that transcribed the main text. These annotations register missing lines and variant readings. More extensive annotations in Latin either clarify obscure passages or provide a summary of the poem with a particular interest in mythological and historical material (e.g. next to the first line of RVF 28, the copyist observes: ‘Extensa carmena inqua d[omi]n[u]s f[ranciscus] alliciendo laudat imp[er]atores p[er]suadendosibi passagui[†] et incipit ab aia sua uotans ipsis beatam’). The Triumphi receive more and more extensive annotations of a similar kind to the ones provided for the RVF. Additionally, these annotations provide some biographies of the mythological and historical figures mentioned by Petrarch.
Fols. 8r and 144r have architectural frames; initials in gold for RVF 1 and Triumphus Amoris I; decorated initials for all the other poems.
Original parchment fol. 1 has been attached to paper fol. II; therefore the sequence of initial fols is: Ir-Iv, IIr-1v, 2r-2v.


CPR, 133