RVF 1-10
8°; †4, A-V8, X4, Y2; 348 pp.
paper; Petrarch’s poems and quotations from other authors in italic type and commentary in roman type; printed numbering; single or a few lines of Petrarch’s poems set on left with commentary distributed across the page beneath either every single line or section of text; printed annotations in the margins throughout the edition (they either mark up notable passages, or offer references to Biblical, Classical, and Italian texts quoted in the commentary, or refer to those pages of the previous books of the Tassoni-degli Aromatari controversy [i.e., Tassoni’s Avvertimenti (referred to with the letter ‘A’), Tassoni’s Considerationi (referred to with the letter ‘C’), and degli Aromatari’s Risposte (referred to with the letter ‘R’)]).
DIALOGHI | DI FALCIDIO | MELAMPODIO | IN RISPOSTA | A gli Auuertimenti dati sotto nome di | CRESCENTIO PEPE | A’ GIOSEFFE | DEGLI AROMATARI, | Intorno alle Risposte fatte da lui alle Considerationi del | Sig. ALESSANDRO TASSONI sopra | le Rime del Petrarca. | Con licenza de’ Superiori, & Priuilegi. || IN VENETIA, Per Euangelista Deuchino. 1613.
†1r: title page;
†1v: blank;
†2r-†2v: degli Aromatari’s dedicatory letter to Alessandro d’Este (‘All’illustr[issimo] e reverendissimo signore Mio Patrone Colensissimo, Il Signore Alessandro Card. D’Este’);
†3r: publication approval by the Inquisition;
†3v-†4v: Falcidio Melampodio’s dedicatory letter to Marcantonio Salvucci (‘Al molt’Illustre Signore Il Sig[nor] Marc’Antonio Saluucci’);
A1r-A8v: first part of degli Aromatari’s dialogue I, ‘Il Sogno’ (‘Il Sogno Dialogo primo Parte prima’);
B1r-F1r: second part of degli Aromatari’s dialogue I, ‘Il Sogno’ (‘Del Sogno Parte seconda’);
F1v-I1v: third part of degli Aromatari’s dialogue I, ‘Il Sogno’ (‘Del Sogno Parte terza’);
I2r: exergue of dialogue I, ‘Il Sogno’;
I2v-K3v: first part of degli Aromatari’s dialogue II, ‘L’innamoramento’ (‘L’innamoramento del Petrarca. Dialogo secondo. Parte prima’);
K4r-M2v: second part of degli Aromatari’s dialogue II, ‘L’innamoramento’ (‘Dell’Innamoramento del Petrarca. Parte seconda’);
M3r-N2v: first part of degli Aromatari’s dialogue III, ‘Il Pepe primo’ (‘Il Pepe primo Dialogo Terzo. Parte prima’);
N3r-O8v: second part of degli Aromatari’s dialogue III, ‘Il Pepe primo’ (‘Del Pepe primo. Parte seconda’);
P1r-Q2v: third part of degli Aromatari’s dialogue III, ‘Il Pepe primo’ (‘Del Pepe primo. Parte terza’);
Q3r-R6r: fourth part of degli Aromatari’s dialogue III, ‘Il Pepe primo’ (‘Del Pepe primo. Parte quarta’);
R6v-V1v: first part of degli Aromatari’s dialogue IV, ‘Il Pepe secondo’) (‘Il Pepe secondo. Dialogo Quarto. Parte prima’);
V2r-X4r: second part of degli Aromatari’s dialogue IV, ‘Il Pepe secondo (‘Del Pepe secondo. Parte seconda’);
X4v: exordium of degli Aromatari’s dialogues;
Y1r: list of discussed sonnets, i.e. RVF 1-10, accompanied by the page number where the interpretation of each poem begins (‘Tavola de’ Sonetti’);
Y1v-Y2r: list of errata (‘Al lettore’);
Y2v: blank.
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British Library
United Kingdom