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Il Petrarcha con l’espositione d’Alessandro Vellutello


Place of Publication


Date of Publication
Related to Petrarch's

RVF, Triumphi


Physical Description: Format

8°; A-Z8, AA-MM8; 278, [2] fols.

Physical Description: Textblock

paper; Petrarch’s poems and commentary in roman type; printed numbering; most of Petrarch’s poems set on left in small block, with commentary distributed on three sides; some other of Petrarch’s poems set on left in a sequence of blocks, with commentary distributed in single column on right.

Title Page

IL PETRARCHA | CON L’ESPOSITIONE | D’ALESSANDRO VELLVTEL | LO, e con più utili cose in diuersi luoghi | di quella nouissimamente da | lui aggiunte || [printer’s mark] || In Vinegia per Comin de Trino | di Monferrato, L’anno | M D X L VII.

Internal Description

A1r: title page;
A1v: blank;
A2r-A4r: alphabetical index of the first lines of both RVF poems and the capitoli of the Triumphi (under each letter of the alphabet, sonnets and canzoni (including capitoli) are listed separately in order of appearance) (‘Tavola de son[etti] et de le canz[oni] del Pet[rarca]’); A4v-A7r: Vellutello’s life of Petrarch (‘Vita e costumi del poeta’);
A7r-B2v: Vellutello’s life of Laura (‘Origine di Madonna Laura’);
B2v: Vellutello’s discussion of how RVF is divided into three parts (‘Divisione de sonetti e delle canzoni del Petrarcha in tre parti’): those poems written during Laura’s life (‘tutti quelli, che veramente in vita di M[adonna] L[aura] si conoscono per la loro sententia da lui essere stati scritti, et che de suoi felici et infelici amorosi effetti et accidenti trattano, o che in quelli del suo amoroso errore mostra dolersi, o da esso errore desiderare di potersi rimovere, o d’essersi rimosso’), those composed after Laura’s death and on this theme (‘tutti quelli, che dopo la morte di lei, di tal morte propriamente, o per circoscrittione, o in altra forma parlano’), and all those devoted to any other person or theme than Laura;
B3r-S2r: first part of RVF with Vellutello’s commentary;
S2r-AA5v: second part of RVF (beginning with RVF 267) with Vellutello’s commentary;
AA5v-EE5v: third part of RVF (beginning with RVF 128) with Vellutello’s commentary;
EE5v-EE6r: poems addressed to Petrarch by Muzio Stramazzo da Perugia (‘La santa fiamma, de la q[ua]l so[n] priue’), Giacomo Colonna (‘Se le parti del corpo mio distrutte’), Geri Gianfigliazzi (‘Messer Fra[n]cesco, chi d’amor sospira’), and Giovanni Dondi dall’Orologio (‘Io n[on] so be[n] s’io uedo q[ue]l, ch’io ueggio’), each poem followed by the first line of Petrarch’s reply accompanied by the page number where the poem is printed;
EE6r: Vellutello’s prologue to his commentary on the Triumphi (‘Aless[andro] Velut[ello] sopra i trio[nfi] del Pet[rarca]’);
EE6v: Vellutello’s overview of the content of the Triumphi (‘Soggetto dei triomphi del poeta’);
EE6v-MM6v: Triumphi with Vellutello’s commentary;
MM7r: register and colophon: In Vinegia per Comin de Trino di Monferrato, Nell’anno. M.D.XLVII;
MM7v-MM8r: blank;
MM8v: printer’s mark.

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