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[Castelvetro’s commentary on RVF 1]


Current Location

Veneranda Biblioteca Ambrosiana

I 204 Inf.
fifteenth / sixteenth century (second half of the sixteenth century for fols. 364r-365r)
Mode of exegesis
Related to Petrarch's



Physical Description: Format

243x175 mm; IV + 376 + I fols.

Physical Description: Textblock

paper; sixteenth-century cursive hands; prose texts.

Title Page

‘Espos[itio]ne d[e]l C[astelvetro] sopra il P[etrarca]’ (fol. 364r)

Internal Description

fols. 364r-365r: Lodovico Castelvetro’s exposition on RVF 1 (‘Espos[itio]ne d[e]l C[astelvetro] sopra il P[etrarca] G Cp’; <inc> Voi ch’ascoltate etc[etera] erano gia sparsi per diuersi luoghi et p[er]sone i sonetti d[e]l P[etrarca] di maniera ch[e] no[n] si sapeua quali fossero isui et q[ua]li imigliori. La onde essendo stato richiesto da certo Sig[no]re di Romagna ch[e] douesse metter in scena q[ue]lli ch[e] a lui pareuano i migliori; <exp> Hora chiamo trasla[zione] manifesta come si vede q[ue]lla nella q[ua]le manifestam[ent]e le parole significano mouimento. et[cetera] seguita adilungo [sic] Sino al Fine d[e]lla prima parte de sonetti o Canzoni di Fran[cesc]o Petrarca. Seconda parte s[onett]o primo et canz[one] p[rim]a poi sonetto ijo Rotta e l’alta colon[n]a el verde lauro et[cetera]’);
fol. 365r-365v: Castelvetro’s notes on Virgil (‘poi seguita M[esser] L[odoui]co Casteuetro’; <inc> Hora no[n] è da lasciar di dir[e] come sia uero ch[e] il proprio p[re]supponga la comunita; <exp> s[opra] simili luoghi. finisco cosi Vs. faccio festa ch[e] io sono stracco).
fols. 372r: extract from an unidentified Petrarch’s letter to Giovanni Aretino (‘Franciscus Petrarca Johanni Aretino S[cripsit]’; <inc> Desiderium regularum nostrarum alte tibi insitum cerno, nec me ideo doctum; <exp> Ego certe tuam indolum, studiumque meis uigiliis adiutu[m] iui, si qua sors tulerit gaudebo. haec hactenus. Epistolam tuam etc[etera]), fol. 372v: blank;
Other contents:
fol. IIr: incomplete summary of the contents of the ms.;
fol. IIv: blank;
fol. IIIr: indication of the shelfmark of the ms.;
fol. IIIv: blank;
fol. IVr: title page (‘Prattiche di misurare fabriche etc[etera] | per lo più in Padoua. | Di più un | Discorso sopra la pittura’);
fol. IVv: blank;
fols. 1r-6v: discourse on the practice of measuring buildings (‘Prattiche di Murari et Prothi’ [sic]);
fols. 7r-8r: blank;
fol. 8v: notes by [Gian Vincenzo Pinelli];
fols. 9r-14v: anonymous discourse on painting (‘Discorso sopra la Pittura’);
fol. 15r-15v: blank;
fol. 16r: title page (‘Vie militares ad ducendos exercitus contra Turcos’);
fol. 16v: pen strokes;
fols. 17r-28r: Latin prose work on military roads to be used in the fight against the Turks (‘Prima via superior ex traicta Belgradi p[er] superiore[m] parte[m] Misie et Rhodopem Versus Thracia[m] dirigens’);
fols. 28v-29v: blank;
fol. 30r-30v: Latin prose work, presumably a continuation of the previous one;
fol. 31r: indication of the previous shelfmark of the ms.;
fol. 31v: pen strokes;
fol. 32r: title page (‘Nuoua maniera di guerreggiare in Ong[heri]a | contra ’l Turco | proposta alla M[aes]ta di Massimil[ian]o ijo | Imperatore. | da | Domenico Franzi Nap[oleta]no | Modo di rendere inespugnabile Gratz’);
fol. 32v: blank;
fols. 33r-34r: Domenico Franzi’s dedicatory letter to Charles II, Archduke of Austria (‘Al serenissimo Principe Carlo Arciduca d’Austria Duca di Borgogna, Stiria, Carinthia Carniola et Vittemberga Conte di Tirolo, et Goritia’);
fol. 34v: blank;
fols. 35r-45r: Domenico Franzi’s prose work on a new way to fight against Turks;
fol. 45v-46v: blank;
fols. 47r-50v: prose work on rendering Graz immune to attack;
fol. 51r-51v: blank;
fols. 52r-53v: continuation of the previous writing;
fols. 54r-65v: draft of Domenico Franzi’s prose work on a new way to fight against Turks;
fol. 66r-661v: blank;
fol. 67r: title page: ‘Variorum Secreta varia chymica medica, et alia’;
fol. 67v: blank;
fols. 68r-103v: Latin prose work on medicine and chemistry;
fol. 1031r-1031v: writing on remedies for stomach pain;
fol. 1031r-1031v: Latin letter (dated 1585) followed by a writing on purgation techniques with nettle;
fol. 104r: title page: Chimica ††† experimenta anni 1553;
fol. 104v-105r: writing on chemical experiments;
fol. 109v: blank;
fol. 110r: brief Latin prose work;
fols. 110v-117v: blank;
fol. 118r: title page: Capovacci Nonnulla ad Artem Medicam spectantia;
fols. 118v-119r: blank;
fol. 119v: pen strokes;
fols. 120r-141v: Latin prose work on medical treatments and their methods of administration (‘Medicinalia De dosibus Caputuaccj’);
fols. 142r-143v: blank;
fol. 144r: indication of the previous shelfmark of the ms.;
fol. 144v: pen strokes;
fols. 145r-150v: Pinelli’s observations on a Greek Botany book (‘Ex Herbario Graeco manuscript pictisque plantis illustrato illustris[simi] Viri Vincentij Pinelli, Obseruationes quartu[m]’);
fols. 151r-152r: Pinelli’s notes on plants and seeds (‘Plantae depictae ex Codice M. S.’);
fol. 152v: blank;
fol. 153r: few Latin prose lines;
fol. 153v: blank;
fol. 154r: indication of the previous shelfmark of the ms.;
fols. 154v-155r: blank;
fol. 155v: pen strokes;
fol. 156r: title page (‘INDEX THEOPHRASTI de hystoria plantarum’);
fols. 156v-157v: blank;
fols. 158r-308v: alphabetical index of Theophrastus’s De historia plantarum (‘Index in libros de hist[ori]a et causis Plantas theophr[asti]’);
fol. 309r-309v: blank;
fol. 310r: indication of the previous shelfmark of the ms.;
fol. 310v: blank;
fol. 311r: title page (‘alcuni luoghi di Giulio Camillo’);
fol. 311v: blank;
fols. 312r-321r: quotation of bodily metaphors used by Giulio Camillo;
fols. 321v-322v: blank;
fols 323r: title page: (‘luoghi hauuti dal Ziletti. credo siano cose di Giulio Camillo ò simili’);
fol. 323v: blank;
fols. 324r-337v: list of Latin words and expressions, presumably from Camillo’s works;
fols. 338r-342v: blank;
fol. 343r: title page (‘Erricij Puteani de musjca opuscola an[no] 1599’);
fol. 343v: blank;
fols. 344r-349v: Erycius Puteanus’s booklet on music theory in the form of a dialogue (‘MODVLATAE LECTIONIS NOVA ET COMPENDIARIA DIRECTIO, SINE NOTARVM PERMVTATIONE, EX MODVLATA PALLADE contracta’);
fol. 350r-350v: blank;
fol. 351r: summary of the content of the remaining fols. of the ms.;
fol. 351v: pen strokes;
fols. 352r-353v: [Pinelli’s] notes on ancient jurists;
fols. 354r-355v: blank;
fols. 356r-357r: [Pinelli’s] observations on political sententiae with Greek quotations and metrical annotations;
fol. 357v: blank;
fol. 358r-358v: continuation of the previous writing;
fol. 359r: [Pinelli’s] scattered metrical annotations;
fol. 359v: blank;
fol. 360r-363r: Latin prose writing on the path of the comet in 1556 (‘De cursu Comete etc[etera]’);
fol. 366r: prose writing on the isogonio;
fol. 366v: blank;
fol. 367r: title page (‘Caput de epiglottide’);
fol. 367r: blank;
fols. 368r-370r: prose writing on epiglottis (‘De Epiglottide’);
fol. 370v: blank;
fols. 371r: Latin annotation on metrics;
fol. 371v: blank;
fol. 373r-374v: notes on Livy;
fol. 375r-375v: list and description of Greek medals (‘Nota di medaglie greche’).

Material Copy


Veneranda Biblioteca Ambrosiana

I 204 Inf.
Copy seen by

The commentary on RVF 1 concentrates on clarifying the literal meaning of the sonnet, and attentively examines single lines or words of Petrarch’s poems with a strong focus on linguistic issues. The attribution of this exposition to Castelvetro is determined by the attribution to Castelvetro of the following writing, which contains notes on Virgil. This work is introduced by the formula ‘poi seguita M[esser] L[odoui]co Casteuetro’, which allows one to expand the abbreviation ‘C’ with ‘Castelvetro’. A longer version of this exposition on initial poems of RVF, up to RVF 4, is contained in the ms. D 332 Inf. of the same Biblioteca Ambrosiana (Milan). Both works have not been published.
For Castelvetro’s notes on Virgil, see Opere varie critiche di Lodovico Castevetro gentiluomo modenese . . . (Milan: Nava, 1727), 122, 151-52.
Fol. 103 is counted three times.


Gigliucci 2007, 122