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[Ragusio’s Commentary on RVF]


Current Location

Bibliothèque nationale de France

italien 2080 (bound at the end of the volume: BNF [Tolbiac], RES-yd-797)
fifteenth century (1476)
Mode of exegesis
Related to Petrarch's

RVF 2, 4-27, 31-36, 38-69, 75-78, 81-82, 84-116, 118-126, 130-131, 133, 136-138, 140-176, 178-179, 222-223, 226-227, 230-231, 249-252, 255-265, 267, 269, 271-294, 296-342, 350-351, 353-355, 357-358, 365


Physical Description: Format

182x125 mm; 30 fols.

Physical Description: Textblock

paper; humanistic script; first lines of RVF poems set on left followed by commentary written next to them in the same line and then distributed across the page beneath them.

Title Page

<inc> Poi ch[e] uoi eio piu uolte habiamprouato: questo so[netto] ma[n]da M.F. ad un suo gra[n]de amico ilqual gli hauea scritto como ogni giorno se trouaua piu salito di q[ue]sto suo amoroso d[e]siderio conforta[n]dolo uolgere amor adio

Internal Description

fols. 1r-30v: Ragusio’s commentary on RVF 2, 4-27, 32, 31, 33, 38-42, 34-36, 47-56, 43-46, 57-69, 75-78, 81-82, 84-116, 118-126, 130-131, 133, 136-138, 140-176, 178-179, 222-223, 226-227, 230-231, 249-252, 255-265, 267, 271-294, 296-339, 342, 340, 351, 353-354, 350, 355, 341, 357, 365, 358, 269 (<inc> Poi ch[e] uoi eio piu uolte habiamprouato: questo so[netto] ma[n]da M[esser] F[rancesco] ad un suo gra[n]de amico ilqual gli hauea scritto como ogni giorno se trouaua piu salito di q[ue]sto suo amoroso d[e]siderio conforta[n]dolo uolgere amor adio; <exp> Rota e[st] lalta colona eluerde lauro: Son[etto] incui M[esser] F[rancesco] selam[en]ta p[er] circuicione d[e]lmo[r]te del Cardinal Colona et d[el]la sua dona zoe Madona Laura. Finis hic e[st]);
fol. 30v: colophon: Ego petrus Stacius d[e] ragusio scripsi Manu mea propria Magi[str]o Philip[po] D[omino] patauino & [†††] laude Sante t[ri]nitatis MCCCCLXXvi die xiij sept[embr]e patavij.

Material Copy


Bibliothèque nationale de France

italien 2080 (bound at the end of the volume: BNF [Tolbiac], RES-yd-797)
Copy seen by

Ragusio’s commentary mainly provides a summary and paraphrase of Petrarch’s poems.
The fols. containing this commentary are bound at the end of an edition of Petrarch’s poems (Venice: Dominicus Siliprandus, 1477). The copy of this print housed at the BNF has only the first part of the edition (with Pseudo-Antonio da Tempo’s commentary).


Pellegrin 1966, 181-82 (= II, 359-60)