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[RVF 1-103 with Filelfo’s commentary]


Current Location

Biblioteca Comunale Labronica ‘Francesco Domenico Guerrazzi’

091 MSS sez. XVI n. 17 (Inv. 448)
third quarter of the fifteenth century
Mode of exegesis
Related to Petrarch's

RVF 1-103


Physical Description: Format

306x203 mm; II + 173 + I fols.

Physical Description: Textblock

paper; humanistic script; Petrarch’s poems with one verse per line; each poem (or stanza of canzone) is followed by commentary distributed across the page beneath it; decorated initial.

Visual Elements
Title Page

<inc > [ex abrupto] [††]pie [⎯]se [⎯]e focose e fi[⎯]nte fr[⎯]çe damore et p[er] mostrare al [⎯] essere libero da qu[⎯] ar[⎯] e dai cui strali gia [⎯]ra molti e [⎯] anni

Internal Description

fols. 1r-173r: Filelfo’s commentary on RVF 1 (<inc of commentary > [ex abrupto] [††]pie [⎯]se [⎯]e focose e fi[⎯]nte fr[⎯]çe damore et p[er] mostrare al [⎯] essere libero da qu[⎯] ar[⎯] e dai cui strali gia [⎯]ra molti e [⎯] anni; <exp of commentary> lhomo considerando seco il fastidio se ne pente & hane infamia), followed by RVF 2-103 with Filelfo’s commentary (<inc of commentary> Era il giorno. Comencia il secundo soneto del p[rese]nte primo libro: quantunque da molti ordinato sia nel terzo luoco: ma se cu[m] diligentia considerare uoremo lamoroso p[ri]ncipio comprehenderemo questo prima di tutti douere seguir doppo la prefatione an[te]dicta; <exp of commentary> laqual cosa facendo dice che et[iam]dio dippo la morte in migliaia danni hara di tal operatione grandissimo honore & fama); a different contemporary hand added the sentence ‘et sira tenuto fra li homini beati’ next to the last word;
fol. 173r: colophon: Finis Laus deo;
fol. 173v: scattered words by a different hand.

Material Copy


Biblioteca Comunale Labronica ‘Francesco Domenico Guerrazzi’

091 MSS sez. XVI n. 17 (Inv. 448)
Copy seen by

Scattered marginal annotations by various contemporary hands include: very short summaries of some passages of the commentary; addiction of a few words to the commentary; orthographical corrections of some words; word captions of significant passages of the commentary; and scattered words (unrelated to the exegetical text); some maniculae.
Decorated initial in gold for RVF 22 (fol. 41v).

