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[RVF and Triumphi with anonymous commentary and index]


Current Location

Biblioteca Nazionale Marciana

It. IX, 283 (=6318)
fourteenth century
Mode of exegesis
Related to Petrarch's

RVF, Triumphi + Fame Ia


Physical Description: Format

281x184 mm; II +A-D (unnumbered) + 149 + III fols.

Physical Description: Textblock

paper; semi-gothic hand; Petrarch’s poems with one verse per line in a central block with commentary distributed on either the right or left margin.

Title Page

<inc> Apie de choli

Internal Description

fol. IIr: sixteenth-century note: ‘Libro de mis[ser] Francescho con Madona laura [ge]ntilissima signora Come lui cerchaua farli gr[—] apiaceri et sanno come d[e] fuor si [†]cermo guando [sic] voi [—] ai una p[er]çona grandissimamente 1545/23 Zonaio in Venezia’;
fol. IIv: blank;
fols. Ar-Dr: alphabetical index of the first lines of RVF poems (under each letter of the alphabet, poems are listed in order of appearance);
fol. Dv: blank;
fol. 13 (misplaced fol.): RVF 36-37.1-73 with commentary;
fols. 1r-119r: RVF with commentary (<inc> In prenzipio dequestopra se die sapere che miß[er] franz[esc]o petrarcha fue poeta fiorentino nato apreso areggio; <exp> dimanda miß[er] f[rancesc]o amare insuo aiuto halinggegno hafanato [sic]);
fol. 119r: colophon: Amen;
fol. 119v: index of the first lines of the capitoli of the Triumphi in order of appearance (‘Ordine trionfi’);
fols. 120r-149v: Triumphi (order: Amoris I, Amoris III, Amoris IV, Amoris II, Pudicitie, Mortis I, Mortis II, Fame Ia, Fame I, Fame II, Fame III, Temporis, Eternitatis) with commentary (<inc> laintenzion de lautore einexaltarlalaura in questa opra; <exp> questultimo trionfo del giudizio nelquale miß[er] f[rancesc]o mete lalaura inzielo et parla hasisteso);
fol. 149v: colophon: finis.

Material Copy


Biblioteca Nazionale Marciana

It. IX, 283 (=6318)
Copy seen by

The anonymous commentary written in the margins of this manuscript consists of a set of short exegetical annotations by the same hand in either Italian or Latin (a few lines for almost every composition), mainly describing the content of the poem or stanza they refer to, or focusing on historical issues.
Further marginal annotations provide either variant readings, or missing lines; some maniculae.
Fol. 13 has been misplaced and was bounded before fol. 1.
The RVF section of the manuscript gathers 410 poems (all considered as Petrarchan).
For the identification of the copyist of this ms., see MssVI, 93.


CPR, 358; CPVe, 1
MssVI, 93