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Current Location

Bodleian Library
United Kingdom

Canonici Ital. 69
Mode of exegesis
Related to Petrarch's



Physical Description: Format

245x180 mm; I + 151 + II fols.

Physical Description: Textblock

parchment; semi-gothic hand; Petrarch’s poems with one verse per line and prose text; one rectangular-box illumination, one architectural frame, historiated and decorated initials.

Visual Elements
Title Page

<inc> Uoi chascoltate in rime sparse il suono

Internal Description

fol. 1r: rectangular-box illumination (with RVF 1 below) with Laura standing and holding a laurel wreath and Petrarch standing at an altar on which is laid an open book, behind them seven ladies with garlands in their hair;
fols. 1v-148v: RVF including additional disperse;
fol. 148v: colophon: D[eo] G[ratias] A[men] Amen;
fol. 149r: blank;
fols. 149v-150r: Petrarch’s note on Laura (<inc> Laurea proprijs uirtutibus illustris et meis longu[m] celebrata carminibus; <exp> in expectatos exitus acriter ac uiriliter cogitanti), followed by the caption ‘Epistola francisci Petrarce reperta papie in uirgilio quodam veteri in folijs circa finem. Scripta manu p[ro]pria ip[s]i[us] petrarce ad rei tante memoriam. Vt premittitur Mccclxxviiij die xviiij Jullij’;
fol. 150r: three-line Latin epitaph for Petrarch (<inc> Frigida fra[n]cisci lapis hic tegit ossa petrarce);
fols. 150v-151r: blank;
fol. 151v: some Latin couplets by a later hand.

Material Copy


Bodleian Library
United Kingdom

Canonici Ital. 69
Copy seen by

At fol. 59r, two marginal annotations in Latin probably by the same hand provide lexical explanations.
RVF 136-138 (fols. 59v-60v) have been erased, but were re-transcribed on the empty parts of the fols. by a later fifteenth-century hand.
Historiated initial for RVF 366 (fol. 146r); decorated initial in gold for every RVF poem and Petrarch’s note on Laura; at fol. 1r is an architectural frame (with floral decorations, medallions [in the upper corners] containing portraits of two bearded men, and [in the lower margins] a landscape with a woman and a man emerging from a tower [on the left] and three soldiers with two dogs [on the right]).


Mann 1975, 394-95; Mortara 1864, 87-88; Pächt and Alexander, II, 73; Italian Illuminated Manuscripts, 12