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[Second part of anonymous rimario of RVF and Triumphi]


Current Location

Biblioteca Centrale Umanistica

seventeenth century
Mode of exegesis
Related to Petrarch's

RVF, Triumphi


Physical Description: Format

420x290 mm; I + 333 (numered 3-335) + I fols.

Physical Description: Textblock

paper; seventeenth-century cursive script; fols. 3r-84v, 86r-275r: text is set on three columns: left column: reference to poem sometimes preceded by the name of the author; central column: lines by Petrarch, Ariosto, and vernacular Ovid listed under each rhyme; third column: Ariosto’s and Ovid’s poems with one verse per line; fols. 85r-86v, 275v-335v: poems distributed in left and right columns.

Title Page

‘I. Ariosto’

Internal Description

[As the right column is organized independently from the left and central columns, it has been considered separately below]
fols. 3r-275r: anonymous rimario of poems by Petrarch, Ariosto, and vernacular Ovid (‘I. Ariosto’ <inc> ‘Tosto che ’l furto del cavallo udì’; <exp> ‘La dignitade e ’l titolo che puzza’);
fol. 275r: colophon: Il Fine
Other contents:
[right column, except fols. 85r-86v: poems set in left and right columns] fols. 3r-107v: canti 35.47-46.140 of Ludovico Ariosto’s Orlando Furioso; [right column] fols. 108r-154r: Ariosto’s Cinque canti (‘Cinque Canti Di un Nuouo libro di M[esser] Lodouico Ariosto iquali seguono la Materia del Furioso’);
fols. 154v-166r: Ariosto’s Rime (‘Le Rime di M[esser] Lodouico Ariosto’);
fols. 166r-175v: Ariosto’s Capitoli amorosi (‘Capitoli Amorosi del Medesmo’);
fols. 175v-182v: Ariosto’s rejected stanze (‘Stanze di M[esser] Lodouico Ariosto. Lequali dal medesmo furono poste nel Canto trenta tre del Furioso e da lui rifiutate’);
fols. 183r-201v: Ariosto’s Satire (‘Delle Satire di M[esser] Lodouico Ariosto. Satira prima’); [right column, except fols. 275v-335v: poems set in left and right columns] fols. 202r-335v: vernacular translation of Ovid’s Metamorphoses by Fabio Marretti, printed in Florence in 1568 (‘De Le METAMORPHOSI DE OVIDIO tradotti da M[esser] Fabio Ma[†]etti gentilhuomo Senese’).

Material Copy


Biblioteca Centrale Umanistica

Copy seen by

This is the second of a two-volume rimario, which includes rhymes listed alphabetically from ‘ì’ to ‘uzza’. The first volume is ms. 98, held at the Biblioteca Universitaria di Urbino as well. Each rhyme includes blocks of lines by Petrarch, Ariosto and Ovid, listed in order of appearance in the respective works.


Mazzatinti, LXXX, 26