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[Triumphi with annotations and Vergerio’s life of Petrarch]


Current Location

Biblioteca Classense

fifteenth century
Mode of exegesis
Related to Petrarch's

Triumphi (except Fame III) + Mortis Ia, Fame Ia


Physical Description: Format

210x145 mm, I + 34 + I fols.

Physical Description: Textblock

paper (except fols. 2, 5, 8, 13, 16-17, 20, 25, 28-29, and 32 in parchment); two scripts: one semi-gothic hand for main text and some annotations; another semi-gothic hand for remaining annotations; Petrarch’s poems with one verse per line in central block with marginal annotations distributed in single column on right or more rarely on left and prose text; each capitolo of the Triumphi (with the exception of Triumphus Temporis) is introduced by a brief Latin paragraph in red ink.

Title Page


Internal Description

fols. 1r-27v: Triumphi with annotations (order: Mortis II.119-190, Fame Ia, Amoris II, Amoris I, Amoris III.1-129, Amoris IV.68-166, Pudicitie, Mortis I, Fame I, Fame II, Temporis, Eternitatis);
fol. 27v: colophon: FINIS;
fol. 27v: Triumphus Mortis Ia followed by a brief Latin paragraph on the different placement of this capitolo;
fols. 28r-34v: [Pier Paolo Vergerio the Elder’s] life of Petrarch (‘Ermo [sic] de uita et doctrina Jllustris poete francisci petrarche et eius poemate q[uae] africa nu[n]cupatur’; <inc> Ranciscus [sic] petrarcha florentinus origine ex antiqua familia honestis parentibus fuit; <exp> et quid quid de inferiore dictum ibi ad superiorem mira nouitate transduxit et eor[um] omn[ium] mat[er]ia his uersibus complessus sum);
fol. 34v: incomplete poetic exposition generally attributed to [Coluccio Salutati] on the subjects of Africa’s books (‘Materia primi libri’; <inc> Que tantus sit c[aus]a mali quiue er[r]o[r] ut[r]inq[ue]; <exp> Scire cupit quid fata uelit q[uae] cuncta benigne).

Material Copy


Biblioteca Classense

Copy seen by

In addition to copying names of historical and mythological figures mentioned in the Triumphi, there are two other series of marginal annotations provided by the copyist of the main text and by a second hand. The annotations of the main copyist provide variant readings (even of substantial sections e.g. Triumphus Pudicitie 1-3), often introduced by Latin adverb ‘alibi’ (elsewhere), and some remarks on figures mentioned in the text. Other annotations by a more irregular semi-gothic hand either integrate previous annotations or add some new ones. These latter annotations in Latin and vernacular offer the following: 1) biographical sketches of historical and mythological figures or remarks on particular features (next to Triumphus Amoris III.44 at fol. 10r, the annotator clarifies the reference to Solomon: ‘elpiu sagio foe Salomon[ne] luxuriossissimo [sic]’); 2) additional explanations intended to clarify the literal sense of the Triumphi (for instance, next to Triumphus Mortis I.20, the annotator discusses the properties of ermine: ‘ermelino per la puritade che p[ri]ma se lassa uccidere ch[e] intrar nel fango’); 3) elucidatory periphrases (next to Triumphus Mortis I.89, the copyist adds: ‘la gran madre anticha e la terra’). Additionally, a rubric in red ink introduces each chapter (except Triumphus Temporis) providing a summary of its content.
Some lines of Triumphi Pudicitie 82 - Mortis I.15 are entirely or partially missing because fols. 14 and 15 have been partly ripped off. Missing lines 46-72 of Triumphi Pudicitie have been copied on the right margin of fol. 10r.


Iter, II, 83b