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[RVF and Triumphi – with index]


Current Location

Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale

Pal. 187
Mode of exegesis
Related to Petrarch's

RVF, Triumphi + Mortis Ia and Fame Ia


Physical Description: Format

228x139 mm; I + 81 + 200 + I fols.

Physical Description: Textblock

parchment; two hands: round humanistic script (fols. 11r-195v) and cursive humanistic script (fols. 196r-200r); Petrarch’s poems with one verse per line; one architectural frame and decorated initials.

Visual Elements
Title Page

<inc> Incipit tabula secundum alphabeti

Internal Description

fols. 11r-81r: alphabetical index of the first lines of RVF poems (under each letter of the alphabet, poems are listed in order of appearance);
fol. 81v: blank;
fols. 1r-35r: Triumphi (order: Amoris I, Amoris III, Amoris IV, Amoris II, Pudicitie, Mortis Ia.1-21+Mortis I.4-172, Mortis II, Fame Ia.1-22 (and the first half of l. 23) + Fame I.23(second half)-130, Fame II, Fame III, Temporis, Eternitatis);
fol. 35r: colophon: Finis triomphi delpetrarcha seguitano lesue chanzoni & sonetti. AMEN;
fol. 35v: blank;
fols. 36r-168v: RVF;
fol. 168v: colophon: Finis il cançoniere dimesser francesco petrarcha colisuoi triomphi perandrea demedici nellestinche adi xxvii dagosto MxxxxLxviii. Apresso seguitano sonetti etcanzone fatti perpiu gente come apresso segue.


Other contents:
fols. 169r-195v: twenty-five poems by Bernardo Ilicino (‘Fido nocchiero dipietro e di suo naue’, ‘Padre esingnore atua sonma eccellentia’, ‘Seuero chenelcielo sien tre persone’, ‘Pio successor delsacerdote etterno’, and ‘Gia alforte anibal fortuna arrise’), anonymous (1. ‘Folle chifalla perlaltrui fallire’, presumably by Matteo di Meglio, 2. ‘Sagge chintende ben laltrui fallire’, presumably by Burchiello, 3. ‘O puro & santo papa eugenio quarto’, and 4. ‘O papa santo sebenpensi ilquarto’), Niccolò Salimbeni da Siena (‘Ite rime dolenti ite sospiri’), Gambino d’Arezzo (‘Lingengno grolioso [sic] equel poema’), Bernardo Ilicino (‘Ciecha crudel superba ingrata & lorda’, ‘Dipensiero inpensiero lastancha mente’, ‘Poi chedalgiogho edapensieri damore’, ‘Qvello antico crudele singnor [sic] mio caro’, ‘Tvtti ildi piangho epoi quando riposo’, ‘Apollo seldisio chegia tiprese’, ‘Qvando sola amirarui intento efiso’, ‘Benche allamorte or mico[n]duchi eguidi’, ‘Vagha lieta & gentile terrena iddea’, ‘Signor mio charo dappoi chelp[r]imo gorno [sic]’, ‘Gentil mia donna iueggio undolze lume’, ‘Legiadra donna saggia ylice epura’, and ‘Dolce durezza anzi inflexibil uogla [sic]’), and anonymous (‘Cerbero inuoco elsuo crudo latrare’);
fol. 195v: colophon: finis. Deo gratias. Amen;
fols. 196r-200r: poems by anonymous author (‘Neluerde tempo della uita nostra’, and ‘Quellor chel singnor mio fior di me[r]çede’), Leonardo Bruni (‘Veggio spento merçe sopra la ter[r]a’), Pietro d’Antonio da Faenza (‘Nonso chie chamor sifa chiamare’), and anonymous (‘Molti uolendo dire ch[e] fusse amore’);
fol. 200r: colophon: finis. 1401;
fol. 200v: a few scattered words.

Material Copy


Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale

Pal. 187
Copy seen by

Decorated initials in gold for both RVF 1 and every first capitolo of each Triumphus; coloured initials for the other capitoli of the Triumphi and all RVF poems; the first hemistich of every capitolo of the Triumphi and the entire first lines of every RVF poem (and even of every stanza for the canzoni) are in light brown; at fol. 1r is an architectural frame, with a coat of arms within a wreath surrounded by two cupids, at the bottom of the fol.
Scattered marginal annotations by the same hand provide variant readings, or add a missing word or line; some maniculae and passages highlighted by vertical strokes close to the end of the lines, often accompanied by the annotation ‘nota’.


CPR, 62-63; Datati, IX, 28-29; Ms.Pal. 1, 197; Prev-Ms.Pal 1, 349