Biblioteca Riccardiana
RVF, Triumphi + Mortis Ia, Fame Ia
280x205 mm; I + 123 + I fols.
paper; two main scripts: cursive humanistic script for the main text, mercantesca for index and biographical note; Petrarch’s poems with one verse per line and prose text.
<inc> Voi cascoltate gli amorosi et in rime sparsel suono
fol. 2r: title page written by an eighteenth-century hand: Canzoniere | e Trionfi | del Petrarca;
fols. 2v-3v: blank;
fols. 4r-66r: RVF 1-172.11 with dispersa ‘Donna miuiene spesso nella mente’;
fol. 66v: few scattered Petrarch’s lines penned by another hand;
fols. 67r-79r: blank;
fol. 79v: brief note on the order of the capitoli in the Triumphi (<inc> Seguita inanzj itrionfj dimess[er] franc[esc]o petrarcha a marchantonio scritti) followed by the index of first lines of single capitoli and a diagram related to the number of capitoli for each Triumphus;
fols. 80r-114v: Triumphi (order: Mortis Ia, Mortis II, Fame Ia, Amoris II, Amoris I, Amoris III, Amoris IV, Pudicitie, Mortis I, Fame I, Fame II, Fame III, Temporis, Eternitatis);
fol. 114v: colophon: finiti etriunphi delo excellentissimo poeta fiorentino messer framcescho petrarcha. deo graçias amen;
followed by a biographical note on Petrarch (<inc> Naque mess[er] frac[esc]o petrarcha ne liannj domini delsingniore milletrecentoquattro; <exp> visse anni sesantanoue et mesi undicj et die xviiii uisse annj 69 mesi 11 di 19);
fols. 115r-123v: blank.
Material Copy
Biblioteca Riccardiana
There are few marginal annotations by a later (probably) sixteenth-century hand next to RVF 1 and 2 with variant readings.
The same hand that transcribes the index of the Triumphi also indicates the title for each capitolo of the Triumphi above their first lines.
CPR, 99; Ms.Ricc, 105; Ms.Ricc2, 26