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Della fabbrica del mondo


Place of Publication


Date of Publication
Mode of exegesis
Related to Petrarch's

RVF, Triumphi


Physical Description: Format

folio; †6, *-****8, A-Z8, AA-KK8; [38], 263, [1] fols.

Physical Description: Textblock

paper; text in italic type; printed numbering; every book of La Fabrica composed of non-alphabetical lists of words related to the main topic of the book (and all inventoried in a paragraph at the beginning of each book); for every word there are synonyms, brief explanations, and some quotations of authorial passages, as well as some formulas and expressions in which the word is used (with related examples of usage).

Title Page

DELLA | FABRICA DEL MONDO | DI M[ESSER] FRANCESCO ALVNNO | DA FERRARA, LIBRI X. | NE QVALI SI CONTENGONO LE VOCI DI DANTE, DEL | Petrarca, del Boccaccio, & d’altri buoni autori, mediante lequali si possono scriuendo | esprimere tutti i concetti dell’huomo di qualunque cosa creata. | DI NVOVO RISTAMPATI, CORRETTI, ET AMPLIATI | di molte uoci Latine & Volgari del Bembo poste a suoi luoghi. | CON VNA DICHIARATIONE DI PIV VOCABOLI CHE | mancauano nelle altre impressioni, aggiunta a beneficio de gli | studiosi della lingua uolgare. | PER M[ESSER] FRANCESCO SANSOVINO | [printer’s mark] | IN VENETIA.

Internal Description

†1r: title page;

†1v: blank;

†2r: Francesco Sansovino’s dedicatory letter to Giulia da Ponte (‘Alla molto magnifica signora cavaliera la signora Givlia da Ponte delle signore di Spilimbergo’);

†2v: Marco Antonio Magno’s sonnet in praise of La fabbrica (‘Le pietre de la Fabrica del mondo’);

†3r-†4r: Francesco Alunno’s dedicatory letter to Cosimo I de’ Medici (‘Al magnanimo, et illvstriss[imo] Cosimo de Medici gran dvca di Firenze. Francesco Alvnno’);

†4v: second Alunno’s dedicatory letter to Cosimo I de’ Medici (‘Al gran Cosmo de Medici illvstrissimo dvca di Fiorenza. signore illvstrissimo’);

†5r: Marco Antonio Magno’s address to readers (‘Marco Antonio Magno alli lettori’);

†5v: Alunno’s address to readers (‘Alli saggi, et givdiciosi lettori. Francesco Alvnno’);

†6r: Alunno’s dedicatory letter to Sebastiano del Bailo (‘Al svo cvgino Sebastiano del Bailo da Ferrara. Francesco Alvnno’);

†6v: paragraph on how to read the work (‘Avertimenti intorno alla dichiaratione dell’opera’) followed by list of quoted authors and abbreviations (‘Abbreviatvre dell’opera’);

*1r-****3r: alphabetical index of all the words used by Petrarch, Boccaccio, and Dante (‘Indice primo di tvtte le voci vsate dal Petrarca, dal Boccaccio, da Dante, et d’altri bvoni avtori’);

****3r -****8v: alphabetical index of all proper nouns (of both people and places) mentioned by Petrarch, Boccaccio, and Dante (‘Indice secondo de nomi proprii de gli hvomini et de lvoghi’);

A1r-B1v: first book (focused on God, ‘Dio’) (‘Della Fabrica del mondo, di m[esser] Francesco Alvnno da Ferrara. Libro primo’);

B2r-P4v: second book (focused on heaven, ‘Cielo’);

P4v-R4v: third book (focused on the world, ‘Mondo’);

R4v-X6v: fourth book (focused on natural elements, ‘Elementi’);

X7r-Z3v: fifth book (focused on the soul, ‘Anima’);

Z3v-CC3v: sixth book (focused on body, ‘Corpo’);

CC3v-EE5r: seventh book (focused on the human beings, ‘Huomo’);

EE5r-FF5v: eighth book (focused on the species and qualities, ‘Qualita’);

FF5v-HH5v: ninth book (focused on the quantity, ‘Quantità’);

HH5v-II1v: tenth book (focused on Hell, ‘Inferno’);

II1v-KK6v: section focused on the grammatical particles (‘Particelle’);

KK7r: register and colophon: In Venetia, appresso Francesco Sansovino et compagni. M D LX.;

KK7v-KK8v: blank.

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