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Espositione dell’Inqvieto Accademico Pensoso, sopra ’l sonetto di m[esser] Francesco Petrarca. Padre del Ciel dopò [sic] i perduti giorni


Place of Publication


Date of Publication
Mode of exegesis
Related to Petrarch's

RVF 62


Accademia degli Inquieti


Physical Description: Format

8o; A-C8; [24] fols.

Physical Description: Textblock

paper; Petrarch’s poems and text of lecture in italic type; no printed numbering; single lines or small sections of Petrarch’s poem set in central blocks, with prose text of lecture distributed across the page beneath each of them.

Title Page

ESPOSITIONE | dell’INQVIETO Accade- | mico PENSOSO, sopra ’l | Sonetto di M[ESSER] FRANCE- | SCO PETRARCA. | PADRE del Ciel dopò [sic] i perduti giorni. | [printer’s mark] | IN MILANO | Appresso Cesare Pozzo, 1566.

Internal Description

A1r: title page;
A1v: blank;
A2r-A3r: Alemanio Fino’s dedicatory letter to Angela Pallavicina (‘Alla molto mag[nifica] et illvst[re] s[ignora] la sig[nora] Angela marchesa Pallauicina, Benzona’);
A3v: Alemanio Fino’s sonnet to Angela Pallavicina (‘Alla medesima’; <inc> S’alte, leggiadre, nobili maniere;
A4r-C8: Inquieto Pensoso’s academic lecture on RVF 62 (‘Espositione dell’Inqvieto Accademico Pensoso sopra ’l sonetto di m[esser] Francesco Petrarca’; <inc of lecture after RVF 62> Il poeta, nell’anno undecimo del suo amore, il Venerdì Santo, auisandosi del principio del suo lungo trauaglio; <exp> vollè [sic] appropriar’ il componimento à sé solo; che se per auuentura poteua accomodarsi per l’altre parti à molti, per queste due particolari si fà poi loro disdiceuole. Il fine).

Copy Seen


Biblioteca Universitaria

Misc. 8° - T. 164 n. 6 bis
Copy seen by
Francesco Venturi,
Lorenzo Sacchini

The lecture provides a line-by-line paraphrase and a literal and thematic explanation of the sonnet. It focuses on the intertextual links with other texts of RVF and provides references to both ancient and contemporary philosophers (Aristotle, Marsilio Ficino, Plato), as well as to classical and vernacular poets (Virgil and Cino da Pistoia).
RVF 62 is printed in full at fol. A4r. Other quoted texts by Petrarch are: RVF 213 (E1r-v); RVF 3 (E1v); RVF 270 (E1v, E2r); RVF 181 (E2r); Triumphus Amoris III.132-135 (E2r); RVF 192 (E2r); RVF 273 (E2r); RVF 279 (E2v); RVF 270 (E2v); RVF 253 (E2v); RVF 264 (C1r-C1v); RVF 134 (C1v); RVF 360 (C1v, C3v C4r); RVF 262 (C1v); Triumphus Temporis 61-63 (C2r); RVF 99 (C2v); Triumphus Eternitatis 46-48 (C2v); RVF 214 (C2v); RVF 181; RVF 206 (C3v); RVF 342 (C3v); Triumphus Amoris I.36 (C3v); RVF 364 (C4r); RVF 1 (C5r); Triumphus Amoris I.31 (C5r).
In the copy held at the Marciana library, fols. C1-C8 are missing. This copy is bound with numerous other academic proses.